Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Trio Married in Brazil

At the end of last month it became public that a man and two women, who had been living together for some time, had celebrated their civil union in Brazil.

The notary who formalized the union, Ms Domingues, said that the idea of what constitutes a family has changed.

This is not the first time. There have been cases of a heterosexual man marrying two lesbians in the Netherlands (making this both a homosexual and a threesome marriage), and of a man marrying three women in Belgium. Interestingly, Holland and Belgium have also been the first countries to give full marriage rights to homosexuals.

There are many other cases like this, and I mean just among Westerners, non-Muslims. To them we then have to add the many polygamous marriages of Muslims living in the West. Polygamy is of course illegal (for the moment) in the West, but authorities turn a blind eye when it comes to Muslims, although it costs a lot to the welfare state and results in many virtually fatherless children which leads to increases in antisocial and criminal behaviour.

In France it is estimated that up to half a million of the country's 60 million inhabitants live in polygamous families.

Of course, as The Guardian says, 'Why shouldn't three people get married?'. The Brazilian notary summed it up well when she said that the idea of a family has changed.


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