Thursday 25 October 2012

Romney Erases Obama Lead among Women

According to a new Associated Press-GfK poll, Romney has erased Obama's previous 16-point advantage among women voters. The poll shows the two candidates still neck and neck, with Romney favoured by 47 percent of the electorate and Obama by 45 percent, a result within the poll's margin of sampling error which is 3-4 points.

Among women, the percentage is identical for both: 47-47, a victory for Romney who was lagging by 16 points a month ago.

Columnist Ann Coulter sums up the current post-debates and immediately pre-election situation rather well:
It must be very stressful [for liberals] seeing Obama go down in the polls even following the debates he allegedly won.

With the economy in the toilet and the Islamic world on fire, when Obama appears in person it’s even worse than if he were sleeping. That’s why – contrary to popular belief – the first debate was Obama’s best performance.

Perhaps if liberals hadn’t coddled Obama his entire life, giving him college acceptance letters, standing ovations and Nobel Peace prizes just for showing up, he would have been more prepared to debate someone a little more challenging than John McCain.

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