Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Ex-Federal Elections Commission Member: "Democrats Commit Most Voter Fraud"

This PJTV video "Voter Fraud: Will The Democrats Vote Early, and Often?" makes a comparison between the Chicago gangsters of the 1920s who made famous the phrase "Vote early and vote often" and the current crop of Chicago gangsters.

It is introduced thus: "Can we expect the Democrats to engage in gangland style voter fraud in the presidential election? Democrats are encouraging their base to vote early through absentee ballots." The idea, the video suggests, is to get Democratic electorate to vote twice: with an early vote and on Election Day, maybe in a different state.

Of course the liberal media try to deny the existence of voter fraud, since it is mainly left-wing parties that commit it, in the USA as in other parts of the world.

This is probably why the Dems don't like so much the idea of ID presentation at the ballot box while Republicans have righly backed genuinely tough and enforceable voter ID laws nationwide.

But Obama and Democratic Party election frauds at the highest level have already been demonstrated on video and resulted in investigations and resignations. There have been criminal cases involving Democratic-supporting ACORN in several states.

The organization Project Veritas has been conducting an ongoing series of investigations in more than a dozen states “demonstrating the ease with which election fraud can be committed and legitimate voters can be disenfranchised.”

Former Federal Elections Commission (FEC) member and Justice Department official Hans von Spakovsky praises Project Veritas' work, and has said that its videos are reflective of cases he has researched, including one few weeks ago in Vernon, California, in which a judge threw out an election result after determining that voters included people who didn’t live in the jurisdiction where they were registered.

Spakovsky added that vote fraud is a bipartisan endeavor, carried out by both Democrats and Republicans, but Democrats are the perpetrators in most of the cases.

He highlighted the particular vulnerability of Virginia’s voter ID law, which unlike Georgia’s or Indiana’s does not require a government-issued photo ID, because the many other documents that can be used in Virginia, like utility bills, can be faked, as is shown in a high-profile Project Veritas videos.

And new suspicions and evidence of more voter fraud are constantly emerging.

There are the voting machines that, when you try to vote for Romney, record a vote for Obama in the crucial swing state of Ohio, in Colorado and in other states. What is suspicious is that it never happens the other way round, whereas faulty machines should produce random wrong choices. This is why it is recommended that you check your ballots when finished. The story:
The DNC’s 2004 Colorado Election Manual is a helpful reminder of what Democrats can be expected to do to try win President Obama’s reelection. Page 54 of the manual instructs:

“If no signs of intimidation techniques have emerged yet, launch a pre-emptive strike…“

With the presidential contest too close to call, Obama’s Justice Department dispatching hundreds of lawyers to 23 states and Democrats having 2,500 lawyers stationed across Ohio, 600 in Cuyahoga County alone, to “monitor” elections there are bound to be more shenanigans than we can imagine. Don’t forget Obama’s Attorney General decided not to go after the New Black Panther Party members who were intimidating voters in 2008.

So it is troubling that we are hearing numerous reports of voting machines recording votes intended for Romney as votes for Obama.
Members of NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) were denounced by poll watcher Eve Rockford, trained by True the Vote, a nonpartisan election integrity association that is "equipping citizens to take a stand for free and fair elections".

The NAACP members descended on a polling station in Houston, Texas, to “encourage” people to vote for President Barack Obama, wearing NAACP clothing and caps and behaving in many ways as if they owned the place, including "picking people out line and moving them to the front, cutting off everyone else". Rockford says: "The NAACP basically ran this poll location and the judges did nothing about it".

In addition:
the “ringleader” of the group was also accused of touching an electronic voting machine that a voter was using.

Eve Rockford said the woman in the NAACP attire first screamed at the poll supervisor and demanded that a clerk be removed during the Friday incident.

“She starts screaming at [poll supervisor Rose Cochran] and she says ‘get this clerk out of here, get him out of here I’ve had enough of him,” Rockford, 51, told TheBlaze. “He starts calmly, using his voice, ‘she’s touching the machines, she’s touching the machines, she’s not acting appropriately, she’s touching the machines.’”
WND online news magazine tested the Obama campaign and found it wanting on the crucial issue of donations:
The controversial Media Matters For America progressive group today posted a false article claiming President Obama’s campaign did not accept a donation from someone impersonating Osama bin Laden using a foreign proxy server.

...The Media Matters piece took issue with a WND article, linked at the popular DrudgeReport.com, reporting “bin Laden” successfully donated twice to Obama’s presidential re-election campaign using a Pakistani Internet Protocol address and proxy server, a disposable credit card and a fake address.

The “Bin Laden” donations, actually made by WND staff, included a listed occupation of “deceased terror chief” and a stated employer of “al-Qaida.”

The apparently foreign-based contributions were conducted as a test after media reports described the ability of foreigners to donate to the Obama campaign but not to Mitt Romney’s site, which has placed safeguards against such efforts.

The acceptance of foreign contributions is strictly illegal under U.S. campaign finance law

...Indeed, the two donations, for $15 and $5 respectively, were accepted by the campaign and were deducted from the disposable credit card that was used.

Media Matters further wrongly claimed, “The Obama campaign also requests ‘proof of a current and valid U.S. passport’ if a contribution originates from outside the United States and raises questions about the contributor’s citizenship.”

When the “bin Laden” donations were made using a foreign proxy server, no such requests of citizenship were made. At no point was the user prompted to enter any passport information. No questions were asked at any time by the Obama campaign website to verify proof of citizenship or even whether the donor was a U.S. citizen at all.

“Bin Laden” is currently set up on the official campaign website to contribute more to Obama’s campaign. The name is also registered as a volunteer.

Since the “foreign” contribution was sent, “Bin Laden’s” email address has received several solicitations from Obama’s campaign for more donations.
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