Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Romney Lost the Election. Now What?

Romney lost the election and, unlike Al Gore against George W. Bush in 2000, he lost the national popular vote, although not by a large margin. This is close to what some opinion polls just before the election had predicted.

At first there was uncertainty about the result of the popular vote and I was doubting whether he would accept this result or, as Al Gore did, he would contest it, but he accepted the result and conceded defeat. Maybe litigiosity is not his style anyway, although in this case I wish it were.

The Republicans' victory in the House of Representatives will make life difficult for Obama.

Obama's political friends may not like this and call it obstructionism, but that's what the Congress, elected by and representing the people, is there to do: to balance the power of the administration and prevent it from becoming a tyranny.

And with this President and his Marxist, Islamophile, statist ideas there is certainly a lot that needs counterbalancing and outright opposition.

We can try and make all sorts of hypotheses about why Romney lost the election, although I don't know how useful it can be now.

It's been a real rollercoaster, with the polls a few months ago giving a certain victory for Obama, then the first televised presidential debate changed that scenario dramatically and saw the number of people saying they would vote for Romney skyrocketing.

We can say that the undoing of Romney was due to two factors, two events that occurred very shortly before the election, both fortuitous and accidental, showing how thin the basis of Obama's victory is.

These two events are the unemployment figures marginally improving, and the tragic Superstorm Sandy.

There are those who believe that without even one of those developments things would have gone the other way and Romney would have been elected President, and that Obama has been this time again, as always, an extraordinarily lucky man.

But maybe these assumptions derive from the misconception, common among conservatives, that pre-election polls were generally wrong or biased in Obama's favor, whereas they proved in fact to be rather accurate.

What Now?

Now that the election is over -  there may be a renewed effort to hold Obama and his administration responsible for the support they gave, at the time of the 'Arab Spring-Turned-Winter', to the Libyan terrorists who took governance of Libya and carried out the attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi on the anniversary of 9/11, killing four Americans.

The general media silence on this matter has certainly much helped Obama's re-election.

But the many voices who called for his impeachment for treason may now find more vigor and urgency.

Either way, I have the feeling that, especially now that he doesn't even have to worry about re-election for another term and can be even bolder in his approach and extreme in his policies, Obama might just go too far and provoke his own downfall before his second term is over.

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