Thursday 7 February 2013

Michael Coren and Diana West on Lars Hedigaard's Attempted Assassination

Michael Coren here in superb form, commenting on yesterday's attempted assassination of Lars Hedigaard, a well-known Danish historian, defender of free speech and Islam critic by a likely "religious Muslim".

The mainstream media tend to be silent about this kind of news, but this is the new world we live in. Freedom of speech is a thing of the past in the West as well now, our political leaders do nothing to protect it from Muslims wanting to impose sharia law.

These are the new enemies, not the ones we believed in the past to be enemies. I've woken up to the new realities, and I hope that you will too.

The brilliant author of Why Catholics Are Right and TV presenter Michael Coren says on Canada's Sun News (above video) about the mainstream's media scant coverage of this assassination attempt: "Imagine if some critic of abortion had gone to the door of an abortionist and tried to shoot them dead? That would be on the front page of every newspaper. That seems to be a bit of a double standard".

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