Friday 8 March 2013

Eastleigh By-Election: 55% Voted for Anti-Gay-Marriage Candidates

The results of the Eastleigh by-election in Southern England have been remarkable in many respects.

Not only the right-wing UK Independence Party triumphed with the best performance in a British Parliament election in all its history, coming a close second to the winners of what was for them a safe seat, the Liberal Democrats, and pushing the not-so-conservative Conservative Party into third place.

But also, 55% of all votes went to candidates who oppose same-sex marriage:
Most Eastleigh voters backed pro-marriage candidates

The Eastleigh by-election was one of the most significant for years, and 55% of all votes cast went to candidates who think marriage should remain as it is.

Numerous people have been blaming the Conservative Party’s third place behind the Lib Dems and UKIP on David Cameron’s push to redefine marriage.

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