Monday 4 March 2013

France Will Be 40 Percent Muslim in 2030

The quotation below is liberally translated from the French from Muslim Immigration to France. You Won't Be Able to Say You didn't Know.

I didn't write it, only translated it, so I cannot provide sources for the data or indeed how they have been arrived at.

Although it's true that France is prohibited by law from collecting official statistics about its citizens' race or religion, it's possible to make estimates based on studies calculating the number of people in France originating from Muslim-majority countries.

Nevertheless, I think that the precise figures should be of less concern than what will become of France and indeed what is already happening there. There is no doubt that France is becoming progressively Islamised, and Muslims only need to be a 10-20 percent of a country's population (even less) to try to turn it into a sharia state, as it's evident by just looking at a map of the world.

Does this piece want to alarm people? Yes, it does.
In 1968 the French population was 49.7 million people. Muslims in France were 610,000 or 1.23% of the population.

In 1988 the French population was 56 million. Muslims in France were 2,000,000 or 3.6% of the population.

In 2009 the French population was 67 million. Muslims in France were 8,000,000 or 11.94%.

These are official figures, which are likely to underestimate the real number of Muslims.

France's Muslim population has been multiplying by at least 3.5 every 20 years since 1968.

If this growth is not stopped or reversed, in 2030 the French population is projected to be 70 million people, of whom 28 million will be Muslim, or 40% of the French population.

Therefore, at the current rate of immigration, in just 17 years nearly one in two people living in France will be Muslim. This is shocking for a country that has no Islamic tradition and had no Arab population as late as 1930.

So what will the situation in France look like 20 years from now, since Islam is a conquering religion that rejects any coexistence with other religions?


  1. I have read a book on defeating jihad that the French will have to take extra constitutional measures and deport many of them to Morroco / Algeria. If they are not accepted France could go to war with Morroco / Algeria and force them to take them... I expect some trigger point in Europe to precede this...

  2. The question is not, "Will France become a Muslim nation?"

    Rather, the question is, "How bloody will the transition be?"

    1. I see two questions here...let me answer both.
      France will never become a muslim nation. We got the numbers...We got the intelligence...We got the guns...Just give us time.
      People- it is hard to defend an enemy that earns our trust, then jumps out of an apartment, kill innocent people, then runs to hide with a mask into the dessert slums. Our success rate in finding these people is very-very-very good….but slow. One by one – we are finding and killing these idiots – one by one the world is realizing the root of the problem. The world is waking up- and realizing this problem. I look forward to weeding out the garden.
      France will never become a muslim nation- the blood will flow through your masks and onto your streets…………

    2. Well, I heard a similar reply coming from an Englishman back in 2010 when he and I had a similar conversation, he said "We have guns, tanks, and the numbers"... my only answer to that argument would be "you better hurry up and make use of whatever means are at your disposal before it is too late".

  3. Perhaps France can educate this bunch of infantile numpties. Religion is the last preserve of the arrogant. They think that by some weird association with a 'higher power' that makes them special.
    They must be told every day that their sick cult is based on lies,not one part of it is true.
    There are no gods we evolved from single cell organisms and they should frikkin deal with it.
    What kind of shitwit listens to the garbage spouted by freaks in dresses who molest boys and beat and enslave women? they have 1,000 years of evolutionary catching up to do- in the mean time let them have their stone age existence without the west's electricity,medicine,transport,sanitation.

    1. Islam is a conquering religion that rejects any coexistence with other religions?

      Read more:
      Follow us: @EnzaFerreri on Twitter | enza.ferreri on Facebook

    2. If analysis and reason are keys to decision making then we should all think why, Muslim countries have a hostile attitude, these Muslims were fine when they were investing in Eur and US in the 70s and 80s, they were friends when they were fighting the Russians in Afghanistan. We should analysis causes of such happenings and then point fingers. We cant clap with one hand there has to be reasons and need to be sorted out.

    3. Anonymous,

      You forgot to mention that apart from engineering, science and medicine, Christianity gave civilisation the greatest works of art, music, and philosophy.

      Atheism is even more bankrupt then Islam. Atheism also gave rise to socialism/communism, that led to greatest slaughters in history - in the USSR, China, Pol Pot etc, eclipsing even the genocides of Islam.



  5. How are you obtaining "official figures" when the French census doesn't ask any questions about religion? I don't doubt that the Muslim population is growing, but I don't understand where these specific numbers are coming from.

    1. It's true that France is prohibited by law from collecting official statistics about its citizens' race or religion. It's possible to make estimates, though, based on the average of several recent studies calculating the number of people in France originating from Muslim-majority countries.

    2. Islam teaches peace and friendliness

    3. suuuuure it does...

      You forgot to include Terrorism in your statment

  6. why doesn't France promote an emigration from christian countries or those christians who are perscuted or murdered by radical groups?

    1. I agree. We in the West should do much more than we are doing at the moment - namely nothing - to help the persecuted Christians of the world. One solution could be the creation of an Israel-like country for Christians. What should be done immediately witbout even thinking about it is to stop all foreign aid to all countries that don't protect tbeir Christians.

  7. Islam will grow despite of strong opposition to Muslims in the west. Islam is not any new religion,Islam means to submit your will to one and true Lord,who is the Lord of the Thrones.Who sent Adam,Abraham,Ishmael,Isaac,Joanna,Lot,Joseph,Moses,Jesus and Muhammad( Peace and blessings of God be on them all),The Quran Honours Mary as the women chosen above women of all the nations and their is a chapter dedicated to her in Quran called chapter 19, Mary and Jesus(Peace be on him) was the mightiest messengers of God,he was born miraculously without any male intervention,he healed all the blind and sick by God's Permission.and no Muslim is a Muslim if he does not believe in Jesus Christ as the messenger of God,and Jesus is coming back to this world,and this is our emaan our faith.Jesus says in the Bible that" on that day many will come to me and say,"Lord Lord have we not done mighty works in thy name,in thy name cast out devils.Jesus says" You evil people depart from me,I never knew you".

    Islam the faith that was the FIRST to give woman rights, the veil is not to cover for husbands but as a source of empowerment for woman so that they can be treated as an individual rather than a sex item for the male, ask Helen Flanagan about the respect she receives!!! Islam will grow despite of strong opposition to Muslims in the west. Islam is not any new religion, Islam means to submit your will to one and true Lord, who is the Lord of the Thrones. Who sent Adam,Abraham,Ishmael,Isaac,Joanna,Lot,Joseph,Moses,Jesus and Muhammad( Peace and blessings of God be on them all),The Quran Honours Mary as the women chosen above women of all the nations and their is a chapter dedicated to her in Quran called chapter 19, Mary and Jesus(Peace be on him) was the mightiest messengers of God, he was born miraculously without any male intervention, he healed all the blind and sick by God's Permission. And no Muslim is a Muslim if he does not believe in Jesus Christ as the messenger of God, and Jesus is coming back to this world, and this is our emaan our faith. Jesus says in the Bible that" on that day many will come to me and say, "Lord Lord have we not done mighty works in thy name, in thy name cast out devils.Jesus says" You evil people depart from me, I never knew you"

    A Western Girl understood how Muslim men are dedicated for their families, At least they come home everyday not drunk and do not abuse their wives and children. More and More white women realize the importance of family lives as their childhood will be full of miseries and they don't know whose their fathers are and they also realize how women are burdened to up bring the children on their handwork, where men only see than as objects of sexual satisfaction. ISLAM is the complete way of life and more and more women will accept Islam as their way of Life and Insha Allah the whole world will turn to Islam and only Islam has the answers for the problems faced by modern women. I urge all the Muslims in the west to call people towards Islam and be generous with the poor and unfortunate. Never sleep until your neighbour is well fed, take care of old, and the concept of old age homes shall vanish from the society and all the old parents shall be taken care of their children.Spread the Word.

    1. Nice propaganda. However, people in Europe and The States are wakening. We are smarter than you are and we will find a solution.

    2. some interesting points on islam but largely it treats women as second class citizens and as sex objects for pleasure and increasing the population...

    3. The daily fare of majoritarian "culture" is sex & money driven.
      It objectifies the fair sex & makes monetises them to shift products.
      The porn industry & allied sleaze is at its cutting edge here. Popular "music" is peopled by "h*es & bitch*s".

  8. Fact #1: more than 33 percent of all French citizens under the age of 18 are muslims, in about 20 years, it will be fair to say, that 30 to 33 percent of all French citizens will be muslims.

  9. What is very likely here is that someone who puts 67 million people all in one and only basket without any distinction is, in fact, the real stupid person here.

  10. Islam is the religion of peace. It has just been projected in a wrong way by the media.

    1. And history books, and the Quran, and the Hadith, and Islamic jurisprudence, and a large number of Muslims, and Muhammad: they've all conspired to "project Islam in a wrong way".

    2. Religion of peace? You have got to be joking! I suggest you re-read the Koran. "Peace" to Islam means the state of the world when all apostates and infidels have been killed or enslaved and the whole world is living under Sharia law (if you can call that living!) Personally, I would rather be dead than have to live as a Dhimmi anyway.
      There is no such thing as a "moderate" Muslim either, it is simply a term made up by our cowardly, apologetic political leaders.
      It is time for the West to declare all out war on Islam before it is too late, although I admit that this may already be so.

  11. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities

  12. Powers and principalities are demonic spirits that seduce mankind by appealing to the selfish portion of a person with a promise of control over the future but demons lie. Christians need to wake up and humble themselves and pray and seek God's face and turn from their wicked ways and only then will healing of this world take place. Submit your lives to the only one true God who is 3 in 1, God the father who is the loving Judge, God the son, Jesus who was completely God and completely man who set the example of how to live and God the Holy Spirit who is the supernatural force that works through a submitted person serving God. Love all sinners but hate their sins that are a result of selfishness and them being seduced by demonic influence. Christians need to return to spiritual health through giving up the steering wheels of their lives to God but there are too many things nowadays distracting Christians from complete submission to God. The problem isn't Muslims, they're just sinful people that we need to love. The problem is with mediocre Christianity in which selfishness is ruling Christians which blocks the supernatural work that the Holy Spirit wants to do through people. God didn't create robots, He requires us to put our love story with Him as the priority in our lives and He can only save and heal this world by people submitting to His authority because that's why the Holy Spirit was given to us so that He could affect all mankind and draw us to Him. Give more of yourself to God and you will see he is a good, Loving kind God who holds absolute authority over heaven and earth but He's a God engaged in a battle with Satan and people determine which battles are won between angels and demons depending on whether we give into the seduction of demons or if we stand strong by fighting our selfish desires. We decide the future of this world through our actions. Submit to God.

  13. Good by France civil war is near

  14. Islam is the true religion unlike the Christian where the bible has been changed.

    1. Well, I'll grant you that the Scofield Reference Bible marks an unhappy change in doctrine. Without the Christian Zionist-enablers, how much less blood would be shed.

  15. "France is prohibited by law from collecting official statistics about its citizens' race or religion"

    I don't think that's true, but for some reason, French anti-immigration bloggers and commenters keep frightening each other by repeating that.

    In fact, no one knows exactly what is legal or not. The French government and the anti-white lobby play on the uncertainty. If you keep a list of people with a mention of their race without their written consent, the government has made a law that says you are liable to 5 years in jail and a 300 000 € fine. That's an absurd law, but what does it have to do with statistics? And how can they claim that stating how many whites and non-whites live in France would breach the rights of non-whites?

    I think the prohibition of statistics is backed by intimidation, not really by law. According to the government, it's all right to collect statistics to show that non-whites are discriminated against, but statistics should not be collected to show how fast White people are being replaced. It all depends on what is your intention. But I don't think any law says so.

    For example, googling "les statistiques ethniques ne sont pas interdites en France" (ethnic stats are not forbidden in France) returns a number of links. The first one is a 2012 Figaro article quoting the CRAN (Council Representative of Associations for Blacks). The CRAN is mostly the creation of Jewish activist Michel Wieviorka. It says this:

    "Contrary to what is often said, ethnic statistics are not forbidden in France", says the CRAN, who made several surveys "to measure the over-representation of Blacks and Arabs in police identity checks, for example, and their under-representation in the political and economic world". "None of those surveys were questioned by the judicial system", the CRAN says.

  16. What the Islamic invaders in France don't understand is that white people are strategists and will probably leave France if the Muslim population gets too high. So all that will be left is Iraq in the once French territory. There will be no more welfare benefits, or jobs from the French civilization. The Islamics will be back in the same countries they left. They will have accomplished nothing other than the destruction of France and a return to the poverty that caused them to leave their native Islamic countries.

  17. I've discovered the truth: what is forbidden in France (by a 1978 law) is the keeping of files mentioning people's race (except for the police, hospitals, and other exceptions). As far as I know, counting the number of non-whites in a particular place is not forbidden.

    Early this month, Robert Ménard, the anti-immigration mayor of Orange (29 000 inhabitants), published statistics about the number of Moslem students in his town: 64.6%.

    He did it by simply counting how many children had Moslem names.

    He was immediately accused by the government and the media of keeping racial stats (link), and the government ordered a police raid in the townhall.

    But at the same time, Olivier Schrameck, the president of the CSA (the French TV regulating authority), uses a yearly study called "barometer of diversity" to make sure that non-whites are not under-represented on French TV. The method used is that they pay people to watch the TV programs and count how many Whites, Blacks, Arabs, and Asians they see in each program (as described here).


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