Happy Christmas everyone!
I watched the Queen's 2013 Christmas message on the BBC.
It would have been nice, if she hadn't told two lies, one by action and one by omission.
The former was: "For Christians, as for all people of faith, reflection, meditation and prayer help us to renew ourselves in God's love, as we strive daily to become better people."
It's quite obvious that not in all faiths believers strive to become better people, unless we consider as self-improvement perfectioning suicide-bombing and beheading skills in order to impose one's faith - to be specific, Islam - to the whole infidel world with whatever available means.
And this takes us directly to the lie by omission. Her traditional Christmas message could have been a good opportunity for the Queen to remind her subjects not just in Britain but also in the rest of the Commonwealth that not all Christians are free to celebrate Christmas.
For years now, Christmas has been a time when Christians in many parts of the world - thanks to some faithful of the "religion" mentioned above, in their striving for self-amelioration - are routinely massacred and have to fear for their lives more than ever.
At least 38 Christians have just been killed and 70 wounded in Baghdad by two car bombs, one on Wednesday targeting a Christian market and the other on Christmas Day outside a church, targeting the faithful after a service.
On December 21 in Syria, some of those heroic freedom fighters that Obama and Cameron are so eager to help, anti-Assad "rebels" - otherwise known as bloody, murderous, kill-the-infidels-wherever-you-find-them jihadists - fired multiple mortar shells on a church, killing 12 Christians and injuring many others.
The Christians, clearly having a different concept from Muslims of what self-betterment is, were distributing charity help to the local population.
And, to get closer to the Queen's own home turf, the Commonwealth includes superb examples of countries whose Muslim majority takes a special pride in becoming better and better people at discriminating against and ferociously persecuting the Christian minority.
One of them is Nigeria, which has been rightfully called the most deadly country to be a Christian. Another is Pakistan where, after many years of continuous attacks on the Christian community, 2013 has been one of the worst of them. In September, 96 people were killed and 130 wounded in twin suicide attacks on a church in Peshawar, the most deadly attacks of this kind since independence.
Why hasn't the Queen, who always talks about the Commonwealth in her Christmas messages and this year expanded on the Commonwealth Games, found in herself the courage to speak up for the millions of her fellow Christians who are subjected to psychological and physical torture just for their belief in the same Jesus Christ whose birth we are today celebrating (in case someone, among the trees, cards, shopping and central London's "winter" lights, had forgotten)?
Indeed, how could the Queen be so cold-hearted as to ignore the severe persecution of Christians at the hands of devout Muslims? The Queen had a golden opportunity to speak up. She could also have protested that Christians desperate to escape severe persecution from Muslims in Pakistan are denied entry by the British and American embassies who accept Muslims instead.
ReplyDeleteAccidentally we have visited your sms web but we have really enjoyed your best sms on Christmas , please keep it up.
DeleteMerry Christmas messages
Let us remember the most persecuted of all over the last 5 centuries, the Copt's of Egypt. Peaceful, good and kind-hearted people in what became Death-on-Earth when the muslim invaded their land. Now happening world-wide tragically.
ReplyDeletePlease excuse me Enza for being off topic, but I am so distressed over people I know with cancer who had chemo therapy and radiation and are now dead. Also had the chemo and radiation and the cancer is now back. I am giving this site. I hope you can tell others about the site!
So sad to hear that, Linda.
DeleteI very much hope that you'll soon get better.
DeleteEnza, I did not explain properly. So very sorry. I was NOT referring to myself! But OTHER people who had chemo and radiation and the cancer is now back.
DeleteI lived in an apartment with toxic mold so I'm subscribed to a lot of health newsletters.In researching on the internet, I discovered recently that Chaga mushrooms are a superfood and excellent if you have been exposed to toxic mold. I'm now drinking chaga mushroom tea.
Sorry again for the misunderstanding.
I thought that you were referring to both other people and yourself. Thank you for clarifying. I'm really relieved.
DeleteTo Anonymous, Yes, very, very tragic in the once Christian country of Egypt.
ReplyDeleteEgyptian Christian Copts cry out in agony: Save us O Lord! We have none but You!
Comment by Egyptian Christian Copt underneath video:
“Our women are to be enslaved in Islam. Our men are to be killed and America receives millions of Islamists with open arms and refuse to give us asylum.”
The Passion of the Copts
Sad but obvious that the Dear Old Queen is losing it. It is about time she stepped down, at least so she can keep Phil going a few more years.
ReplyDeleteWow, I'm really super annoyed at myself for not explaining properly. Why make a comment if you can't even explain properly?
ReplyDeleteAny way, I recommend drinking Chaga mushroom tea if you have been exposed to toxic mold. I use lukewarm water (not hot) and let it brew in glass jars for 24 hours.
Anyway , it seems to me that your Queen ( I'm Italian) performed much better than the ' Bishop of Rome' who is in awe at ' poor muslim boat people ' and shouted to us Italians 'shame !!' (meaning , on you ) because in his opinion, we don't help them enough in
ReplyDeleteinvading our country.
Comunque, cara Enza , buon 2014 e buon lavoro per l'ottimo LibertyGB -quanto ci manca in Italia un partito cosi'! - Marco
Grazie, Marco, Buon 2014 anche a te.
ReplyDeleteChe cosa c'e', secondo te, che non va nei vari partiti di destra italiani? Nella Lega Nord, per esempio, che sta formando un'Alleanza nel Parlamento Europeo col Partito della Liberta' olandese di Geert Wilders e il Front National francese di Marina LePen?
Cara Enza ,la risposta richiederebbe un libro.La Lega nacque come partito separatista legato all'idea -ed idealizzazione- astorica della 'Padania',che non ha mai trovato sostegno
ReplyDeletedi massa neanche al Nord.Ebbe un unico intellettuale di rilievo , morto gia' vari anni fa.I dirigenti vengono sia dalla piccola -media borghesia ed anche operai , ma purtroppo sono noti per il livello culturale molto basso oltre a prese di posizione discutibili. L'errore piu' grave fu l'andare al Parlamento di Roma dopo avere gridato per anni ' Roma ladrona ! ' In piu' sono stati coinvolti da due scandali molto seri. Attualmente sono fermi intorno al 4 % nazionale di voti. La base anch'essa puo' apparire un po' stravagante , ma e' legata ai valori genuini del Nord - lavoro duro, famiglia, proprieta' privata,un certo campanilismo ,cattolicesimo abbastanza sentito pur considerato lo stato di sfascio della Chiesa, e che finora hanno difeso con una certa tenacia .Ovviamente si tirano dietro tutte le classiche critiche della ' tollerantissima' sinistra, un po' come LibertyGB. Sono l'unico partito veramente anti-immigrazione incontrollata ,per quanto da noi la questione Islam non e' ancora realmente esplosa, dato che numericamente sono intorno al 2 % e solo raramente sono usciti allo scoperto.E' difficile predire il futuro ,ma gli italiani , se pungolati , hanno mostrato di reagire rabbiosamente ed anche violentemente in casi di furti degli zingari. Ritengo che la Chiesa Cattolica, se solo volesse, potrebbe creare un buon argine contro l'Islam, specie adesso che i morsi della fame e della poverta' colpiscono anche gli italiani.
Purtroppo il suo atteggiamento va esattamente in senso contrario. La Lega probabilmente
dovrebbe farsi guidare per il momento da Wilders e la Le Pen .La Francia pero' , se continua a votare socialista ,sara' inevitabilmente islamizzata in 20-25 anni. Ci vorrebbe un
programma a livello europeo come quello ,molto bello, che avete preparato voi di Liberty.
Certo e' (contro)rivoluzionario ,ma se non sara' applicato per la Gran Bretagna vedo molti futuri dolori. Comunque mi faro' di tanto in tanto risentire : fra l'altro mi interessa molto la tua storia di italo- inglese ,che credo sia istruttiva, come quella del blogger Mundabor.
Anch'io ho una domanda ,piu' innocua : come mai inglesi e americani fanno cosi' tanti errori grammaticali ed ortografici ( there is - theirs , it is -it's) e nelle lingue straniere ( ad nauseum - ad nauseam ) ? Saluti
La causa sta nel sistema educativo che, almeno in Gran Bretagna, e' molto insoddisfacente.
ReplyDeleteSi', piacerebbe anche a me che ci sentissimo qualche volta. Se non sbaglio sei lo stesso Marco con cui ho corrisposto qualche tempo fa con lo stesso sistema dei commenti al mio blog. Se ti va potresti lasciarmi il tuo indirizzo email.
Certamente ti posso dare il mio indirizzo e-mail , ma se possibile in privata sede , per non attirarmi ' fuoco nemico ' . Sono convinto che abbiamo un sacco di cose da dirci , soprattutto adesso che sui nostri due paesi sembra
Deletevolersi scatenare il finimondo .Per intanto ti posso dire che ho 54 anni ,lavoro in banca anche se sono laureato in lingue ( russo ,tedesco ,polacco,francese maccheronico ) Vivo a Novara da sempre ,
con l'eccezione di quattro mesi a Mosca .
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