Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Homosexuals Are a Law Unto Themselves

London park

In Redbridge, a London suburb, police have been visiting designated 'Public Sex Environments' (or 'PSEs', including public parks) advising male homosexuals of the risks of indulging in public sex, lest some "homophobic" crime is committed.

Another politically correct nicety in the headline of the newspaper article linked to above, beside "homophobic crime", is "outdoor sex spots", similar to picnic spots or panoramic places.

The same article says that public sex is illegal, but there's no suggestion of police arresting the exhibitionists or telling them to do their dirty business at home - which would also be safer for them, without the taxpayers' having to pay the police for this extra, unnecessary work.

And apparently this is happening all over the country, from Scotland to leafy Surrey, the worst affected county. There are now hundreds of public spaces unofficially legitimised by the police as 'Public Sex Environments'.

George Whale of Liberty GB has written a very good article on this, "Dirty Exhibitionists and the Police Who Give Them Tea and Biscuits".

When I saw the title, I thought the tea and biscuits were metaphorical but, lo and behold, they are as literal and concrete as you and me:
This from the Surrey Comet:
"Illicit thrill-seekers on the look-out for sex at cruising and dogging spots in Surrey have been provided with £120 worth of tea and biscuits by Surrey Police. Surrey Police admitted providing hot beverages and snacks between May and July at the Hog's Back Cafe, a well known cruising spot between Guildford and Farnham.

"It is believed neighbourhood officers and the lesbian and gay liaison officer (LAGLO) have also gone down to the woods to have a chat with people using a 'dogging' site at Wisley Gardens just off the A3 near Cobham."
Why the police do nothing is explained by the kind of politically protected people who are most likely to indulge in these activities:
Meanwhile in Scotland:

"A horrified East Kilbride mum is warning parents to be aware after her children witnessed an unsavoury incident at a local beauty spot.

"The Westwood woman, who did not wish to be named, told the News her 15-year-old son spotted two male pensioners involved in a sex act in the bird hide at Cathkin Marsh.

"Shockingly, the recent incident at the 'dogging' hotspot reportedly took place in the middle of the afternoon."
This is from the article about Redbridge linked to above:
Pc Anton Brown, an LGBT liaison officer for Redbridge, said: “Thefts, robberies, rape and other violent assaults take place at these locations and victims are scared to report them as they do not want to be ‘outed’. They are often men who have sex with men but don’t necessarily identify as being gay.”
That a double standard is applied - there is a law for homosexuals and a law for everybody else - is obvious from this:
Every morning before opening his cafe on Ockham Common in Surrey, Stephen Bungay collects a bin-bag full of debris from outside his kiosk including sex toys and latex gloves. He says that the rangers from Surrey Wildlife pursue dog-walkers who fail to pick up dog-mess, but he has never seen them ask a cruiser to pick up their condoms.
In an email George says: "When did public spaces where people might stroll with their dogs or kids become officially designated 'Public Sex Environments'? And how do we get these politically correct plods to do their sodding job?"

The first is a rhetorical question. In fact there is no legal designation of 'Public Sex Environments'. They are just well known, established areas where individuals meet for sex. There are even police detailed guidelines on how to manage and police PSEs.

This is the umpteenth example of how the law is twisted to accommodate homosexuals, Muslims and all other groups that are by definition "victims".


  1. Stephen St. George16 January 2014 at 04:54

    Good article Enza!

    The reason the world is turned upside down, where good is bad and bad is considered good and given special privileges, is that we, the people on this planet have pushed God away and have lost our compass.

    Without a compass, one can get lost!!

  2. 51*45'36.7500N
    An area and public facility designated by oxon police and oxon county council as a PSE. Effectively means they then choose to do nothing about the blatant activities, other than treat those that object as troublemakers/criminals/crazy.

  3. This just proves how far the left will go to destroy England. People will still vote for Labour. I despise the Labour party and to be honest the Conservatives are just as bad. Between these two parties the face of England has been altered beyond recognition. I discount completely the Liberals as non-entities. Then we have the moronic EU to contend with. England is doomed.

    1. Not yet, if our new party Liberty GB has a say in it.


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