Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Not Enough Hate Crimes? Make Them Up

What's going on in the - we believed free - world?

If you look around you, you see more and more people forbidden to enter a country, put in jail or out of business just for expressing their opinion. I agree that nobody should publicly insult individuals or groups with no good reason, but there's a fine line between exposing a wrong-doing and offending the wrong-doer.

In Britain, the new counterjihad party Liberty GB's Radio Officer Tim Burton is on trial for calling Fiyaz Mujhal on Twitter “a lying Muslim scumbag”. Mr Mujhal, founder and director of Tell MAMA (Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks), had been revealed to report misleading facts and figures about presumed "Islamophobic" incidents and his organisation's public funding had been discontinued because of it.

American campaigners Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller, international icons of resistance to Islamisation, have been barred from Britain exactly because they oppose Islamisation.

Now I read that in the country of the maple leaf the Free Dominion website, which is the Canadian equivalent of the USA's Free Republic, for which I write, has 5 days ago been put practically out of business by a court order.

Apparently Free Dominion offended Richard Warman, a "human rights" lawyer nicknamed "Canada’s Hatefinder General" by Mark Steyn, who describes his operational style thus:
As eventually emerged at a Canadian "Human Rights" Tribunal hearing, he adopts Internet disguises and posts as a "hatemonger" on so-called "hate sites", and then sues those sites. Very foolishly, the Canadian courts have rewarded him for playing dress-up Nazi.
Hence the pessimistic forecast of Free Dominion's Mark and Connie Fournier:
This means we are barred for life from ever operating a public forum or a blog (even about cookie recipes) where the public can comment. If we do so, any one of Warman’s handful of supporters could, and probably would, use a common proxy server to avoid being traced, plant a negative comment about Warman on our site, and we would both be charged with contempt of court.
Steyn also says:
Mr. Warman joined Stormfront and other “white supremacist” websites and posted copious amounts of hate speech of his own, describing, for example, Jewish members of cabinet as “scum” and gays as a “cancer.” That’s how “hateful” Canada is: there’s so little “hate” out there that the country’s most famous Internet Nazi is a taxpayer-funded civil servant.
This reminds me of a similar comment by Tim Burton about Tell MAMA's alleged augmentation of anti-Muslim crimes described above:
Apparently – believe it or not – there is not enough 'online hate crime' to go round and some more 'online hate crime' had to be urgently manufactured to justify the hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayers' money needed to sustain the organisation.
Another example of political use of what should be the justice system is for the purpose of persecuting (as well as prosecuting) political adversaries. One of the most reported cases of unfairly applying the law to attack political foes was that of the IRS (the American tax authorities) that a year ago admitted to singling out the Tea Party and other like-minded groups.

In the US, government departments and agencies use
their powers selectively to chastise their political enemies. In a hyper-regulatory state, there are laws against everything, and everyone is guilty of being in breach of at least 300 of them at any hour of the day. I have no use for Dinesh D'Souza, for example, but it seems obvious that he's been set up as this season's Benghazi video maker. There are gazillions of $20,000 campaign-finance infractions across America, but the only guy that's been singled out is the fellow who made a hit anti-Obama movie. As John Hayward puts it, he's been
...busted for doing 59 in a 55-mph campaign-finance zone in your little compact car, while huge semi trucks full of political cash blast past you at a hundred miles an hour without the cops batting an eye.
D'Souza's enemies are gloating. As is the habit in the American system, he will most likely be prevailed upon to cop a plea in return for a reduced sentence. And everyone else will get the message: If you make a film or write a book attacking Obama, make sure it's a flop - or anyway not so big a hit it catches the regime's eye.
D'Souza is accused of contributing $20,000, which is more than the legal limit, to the Senate candidacy of his friend Wendy Long. The idea that the Obama administration has a zero tolerance policy towards campaign finance violations is absurd in the extreme. During Obama’s both 2008 and 2012 campaigns the Obama website, as John Hinderaker writes, was
deliberately designed (by disabling standard security protocols that are used by all other campaigns) to encourage illegal contributions by foreigners and donors who, like D’Souza, had already contributed the maximum allowable. No federal authority has made the slightest effort to investigate, let alone criminally prosecute, those obvious violations by the Obama campaign and an unknown number of its contributors.

And, on the subject of zero tolerance of electoral violations, how about enforcing the laws against voter fraud? Voter fraud has become an element of the Democrats’ election strategy, to the point where they react with hysteria whenever anyone tries to take steps to prevent illegal votes from being cast. If the U.S. Attorney is so concerned about honest elections, what has he, or any other law enforcement authority in New York State, done to enforce the laws relating to ballot integrity?
D'Souza's real crime is his achievement: the anti-Obama film 2016 he made is the second biggest-grossing political documentary of all time.

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