Sunday 27 April 2014

Liberty GB’s Paul Weston, Arrested in Winchester for Quoting Churchill, Could Face 2 Years in Jail

Paul Weston quoting Churchill in public in Winchester before the arrest

The leader of the Liberty GB party Paul Weston, who was arrested yesterday for breaching a Section 27 Dispersal Notice, is now possibly facing imprisonment for 2 years.

Mr Weston, a candidate in the 22 May European Elections in the South East, was arrested on 26 April in front of Winchester Guildhall for quoting in public a passage critical of Islam written by Winston Churchill, using a megaphone.

Liberty GB's Paul Weston searched by the police after his speech

He spent several hours in a cell at Winchester Police Station, after which the original charge of breaching a Section 27 Dispersal Notice was dropped and Mr Weston was "re-arrested" for a Racially Aggravated Crime, under Section 4 of the Public Order Act, which carries a potential prison sentence of 2 years.

He was then fingerprinted and obliged to submit to DNA sampling, following which he was bailed with a return date to Winchester Police on May 24th.

Had the woman who complained to the police made an official statement, Mr Weston would not have been released last night, but fortunately for him she did not.

The case is now being presented to the Crown Prosecution Service. If the CPS decides to prosecute, then Mr Weston will be arrested, awaiting trial, when he presents himself to the police on May 24th.


  1. the death of democracy and freedom in the west is near.....Islam is now so wide spread the government are scared of the truth sparking civil unrest. The truth is the new hate speech.....How can you be arrested for quoting britain's greatest ever prime minister in britain?

  2. This government is anti- English, but definitely pro-Islam . Gradually English values of fairness are being eroded away and will be replaced by sharia then the civil war will begin.

  3. the same law applies to muslims preaching hatred towards non muslims. all it takes is somebody to do exactly the same as the female who complained to the police about mr Weston. the police are under obligation to arrest the muslim offender and if they refuse, then the police can be accused of racist.

    1. Yes, that's the problem, no one has reported a Mohammedan to 'The Police' for 'hate speech'. If only 'someone' would get off his arse and take action.

      There are numerous accounts around the web of people who make such complaints being arrested on charges of 'hate speech' merely for making a complaint. More than one victim of Mohammedan criminals has been arrested when reporting the crimes against them.

      Laws which criminalise dissent and the public expression of opinions, and give 'The Police' the power to arrest some on trumped up charges and ignore the real crimes committed by privileged minorities, must be repealed.

      A thorough and transparent review of policing in England, with full public participation, followed by any and all reforms deemed necessary, is now urgent. However, we shan't have one unless and until we replace the criminals in parliament with people of stalwart character resolved to reverse the present situation.

  4. the same law applies to muslims. all it needs is for somebody to report a muslim hate preacher and if the police do not arrest them, then appoint a lawyer to accuse the police of racism.

  5. How many years would he be looking at if he quoted Churchill from this?

  6. Reading stories like this only causes me to go satirical: The revised Churchill speech, adapted to conform to the current policy of Her Majesty's Government: "We will not fight the Muslim invaders. We will let them come here through the Chunnel, we shall let them land at the airports, we shall let them piss on our beaches, we shall let them sit in Parliament, we shall allow them to despoil our daughters and behead our sons, we shall run to the hills, shaking the butt ends of broken beer bottles at them."

  7. As hard as England and the USA are trying to come under Sharia law, it almost looks like our politicians actually want it to happen. To me at least, it seems reasonable to fight this happening before it does, not after the fact. But that is where we are headed. May God bless us in our fight against this.

  8. How can this be a racially aggravated crime when islam is not a race?

    1. It seems the goalposts have now been moved by the 'establishment'. You can now be charged with inciting racial OR religious hatred. That catch all statement is ideal for the police and CPS in order to further suppress freedom of speech and the right to criticise. Except for Muslims, of course.

    2. What the news media and most politicians refuse to grasp is that criticisms of Islam, however eloquent or raw, is NOT a criticism of a "race." It is a criticism of a totalitarian ideology that is otherwise called Islam. Just as Catholicism, Judaism, Protestantism, etc., are not "races," Islam is not a "race." This truth must be repeated over and over and pounded into the heads of our so-called "leaders."

  9. If we don't speak up, it will soo happen to us.

  10. the Uk needs to sort itself out. We cant quote an ex PM but wecan go out shouting about killing Infidels and Sharia law. Absurd! Keep up the hard and difficult work.

  11. Another politically motivated arrest. Section 4 is hard to prove unless someone makes a complaint and will testify , the police are'nt allowed to be offended on our behalf. Nothing to do with the upcoming elections of course.

  12. what about the ethnics that have a mega-phone welded to their faces spouting rubbish about Queen&country,our troops &our tier legal system,black and white or imigrant and brit

  13. Why do we still have boys with small appendages in power? Disgusting that the unbelieving, barbaric bar stewards can get away with their evil terrorist ways. WTF?

  14. It's high time the free speech act was sorted out . If you cannot quote from one of the greatest leaders Britain has ever had in Britain and in public then we might as well say goodbye to freedom . This kind of treatment is similar to some Middle Eastern countries and not a so called free democracy that Britain purports to be !

  15. Winston must be rolling in his grave.

  16. British justice sucks,what a complete disgrace and undermined attempt to stamp all over his freedom of speech, if that would of been a Muslim spouting hate speech that would be fine of course as it would be racist to prevent him from doing so.....wake up BRITAIN and do not tolerate this one sided bs

  17. This is coming to America, Folks. We are almost there.


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