Thursday 1 May 2014

Dutch Foreign Minister Questions about Paul Weston’s Arrest

Geert Wilders, leader of the Party for Freedom (PVV)

Two members of the Dutch Parliament, Geert Wilders and Raymond de Roon of the Party for Freedom (PVV), have raised the question of Paul Weston’s recent arrest with the Dutch foreign minister.
Below is the press release sent out today by the PVV.

PVV questions Dutch Foreign Minister about arrest of British politician

Today, Dutch parliamentarians Geert Wilders and Raymond de Roon (both PVV) asked the Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs, Frans Timmermans, a number of questions about the arrest of British politician Paul Weston. You can read the questions below:

Parliamentary questions of MPs Raymond de Roon and Geert Wilders (both PVV) to the Minister of Foreign Affairs about the arrest of a British politician for quoting Winston Churchill:

1. Are you familiar with the articles “Paul Weston — Victim of Sharia: Arrested For Quoting Winston Churchill” and “Arrested for quoting Winston Churchill: European election candidate accused of religious and racial harassment after he repeats wartime prime minister’s words on Islam during campaign speech”?

2. Do you share our opinion that the arrest of the politician Paul Weston is a gross violation of freedom of expression and an example of dhimmi behavior? If not, why not?

3. Do you agree that this event is not unique, but is exemplary for the state of siege surrounding freedom of expression through the rise of Islamic censorship in the West? If not, why not?

4. Is it true that Paul Weston risks a two-year prison sentence due to simply quoting a passage from Winston Churchill’s book “The River War” about the militant character of Islam and the social decline that results from it?

5. Are you willing to contact the British Minister of Justice and insist that no charges be pressed against Paul Weston? If so, will you keep Parliament informed of the British reaction? If not, why not?

6. What are you going to do to ensure that freedom of expression, both domestically and internationally, will not be sacrificed to Islamic intolerance?

7. Are you prepared to draw international attention to the danger that anti-racism laws and criminals laws on defamation of religion and/or groups are abused to silence criticism of Islam?

8. How do you intend to wage the fight for the preservation of freedom of expression, in light of the planned rapprochement to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, an organization which aims for an international ban of blasphemy and which attempts to restrict freedom of expression in the West under the pretext of the fight against “islamophobia”?

H/t to Gates of Vienna


  1. thank you geert we love you

  2. Totally support freedom of speech and thought...

  3. Thanks very much Geert and Raymond.


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