Tuesday, 26 August 2014

1 in 6 French People View ISIS Favourably

Islamic State jihadists

An ICM poll on behalf of the Russian state news agency Rossiya Segodnya tested the public attitude towards the group ISIS (formerly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant or ISIL, and now calling itself Islamic State or IS) in 3 European countries: Great Britain, France and Germany.

The news agency commissioning the poll may be Putin-friendly, but the polling firm ICM is as reputable as any.

The survey asked people whether they had a favourable or unfavourable view of ISIS.

In France, 16% say they have a favourable view.

In the UK, 7% say they have a favourable view.

In Germany, 2% say they have a favourable view.

The astonishing result concerns France. Considering that the official figures for France's Muslims are from 5 to 10% of the population, these data are difficult to explain. Either - as it's possible - "French" Muslims are more numerous than we are told, or French non-Muslims are displaying an odd sympathy for the Islamic State.

Not only that. If we break down the results by age group, we find even more worrisome outcomes, as shown below.
ICM poll results on attitudes to ISIS by age group

Almost 1 in 3 people aged 18-24 in France view ISIS positively.

Also significant are the percentages of respondents who say they have an unfavourable view of ISIS: 62% in France, 64% in Britan, and 82% in Germany.

Except in Germany, they are very low percentages indeed. Considering that the Islamic State is ethnically cleansing Iraq and Syria of Christians - or rather continuing the ethnic cleansing started before it -, and the brutality with which they treat Christians, one has to ask what the barbaric jihadists of the IS should do to get a 90% of "unfavourable views" (impossible in Islamised France anyway) from these apathetic populations feeding on Kim Kardashian (whoever that is), bad TV and Emmy Awards (whatever they are).

H/t Vox and Hot Air

1 comment:

  1. Hello Enza,

    I am a man from iran interested in conducting a massacre in netherlands against a group of muslims. I have semi-automatic weapons and automatic weapons. I can meet you in a desired place, please contace me on this message board, and I will skype with you. We can meet in a city of your choice and make preparations for the massacre. Our identities will not be revealed.

    I hate what the muslims did to iran. If not for them, we will be richer, more successful than germans, but thanks to them we are the laughing stock of the farangi race.

    Please contact me, I'm very desirous to help the great white race eliminate muslims.


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