Sunday, 3 August 2014

Fred and Ginger

Today the film "The Gay Divorce" with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers was on the TV.

Watching it - even the little bit I did - is like experiencing a cultural time travel through the development in mores between then and now.

The term "gay" could still be used in its proper sense, then, before being highjacked by the homosexualist movement that made it impossible to use it except in their own chosen meaning, as in any other way it would give rise to misinterpretations.

Psychoanalysis - with its corollary of word association - was still fashionable, as was elephant hunting.

Two step forward and one step back, but it's a huge step back in its implications.


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    1. Thank you, Edward, I much appreciate your kind words, especially coming from such a successful author as you.

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