Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Media Are Vectors of Atheist Propaganda

BBC Scotland at Pacific Quay, Glasgow

The atheism that is currently prevailing in Western Europe has not been a naturally occurring development in the mind of large numbers of people.

It's not, as individuals like Richard Dawkins and the 19th-century French positivist sociologist Auguste Comte would have you believe, an effect of the progress of science. In fact, scientific progress points exactly in the opposite direction. The more we know about the universe, life and consciousness, the more we realise that the calculus of probabilities shows that all these extremely complex natural intricacies and perfectly accurate mechanisms have no chance of having happened by chance.

No, present common atheism is the result of a multidecadal, aggressive, strenuous and embattled campaign by various Leftist and subversive forces and movements, such as cultural Marxism, to destroy Christianity, which they correctly see as their enemy and obstacle in their effort to destroy the West. In fact, the two - Christianity and Western civilisation - are in many ways and senses synonymous, which is why the enemies of one, from Islam to communism, are invariably the enemies of the other.

Then, useful idiots à la Dawkins come along and continue the Leftist subversives' fight for the destruction of Christianity without really knowing what they are doing.

It’s disputed that Lenin actually used the expression “useful idiots” in his works, but whether he did or not is irrelevant. He certainly understood the concept very well and what he did use, if not the words, were the naïve people in Western countries who believed that communism (and its corollary, atheism) were a force for good and helped him in his propaganda.

And Islam can thank all of them, who have made its task of penetration into and domination of the West infinitely easier.

How interconnected and interdependent socio-communism, atheism and media propaganda and brainwashing are can be seen, for example, from the fact that the BBC employs more atheists and non-believers than Christians.

A 2011 internal BBC survey found that just 22.5 per cent of all staff professed to be Christians, while atheists and those of no faith were 23.5 per cent.

The relative numbers of the two groups in the BBC are greatly disproportionate compared to the UK's general population.

In the 2011 Census, Christians were 59% of the population of England and Wales, equivalent to 33.2 million people. Those without a religion were 25%, or 14.1 million.

BBC veteran Roger Bolton, who presented BBC Radio 4’s religious current affairs programme Sunday, said to The Daily Mail:
There is an inbuilt but unconscious bias against religion, fuelled by the fact staff are not representative of the public. It is not a conspiracy but it needs a correction.
This was the first time that the religious beliefs of BBC staff had been disclosed.
Viewers have also claimed the BBC portrays Christians in soap operas or dramas as ‘weak’ or ‘bigoted’.
That's how subtle propaganda works.

BBC's former political editor Andrew Marr spoke in 2007 of the BBC's “innate liberal bias”, and described the Corporation as “a publicly funded urban organisation with an abnormally large proportion of younger people, of people in ethnic minorities and almost certainly of gay people compared with the population at large”.

The website Christian Voice related:
In October 2008, the conductor of the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra spoke of an ‘ignorant’ secular liberal minority in the media seeking to drive religion from the public sphere.

In January 2009, the Christian BBC presenter Jeremy Vine told Reform Magazine that it has become “almost socially unacceptable to say you believe in God” on the BBC. He did not think he would be allowed to say that Christ is who he said he was on air.

In July 2006, a veteran BBC executive told a meeting called to address the problem of anti-Christian bias: ‘There was widespread acknowledgement that we may have gone too far in the direction of political correctness. Unfortunately, much of it is so deeply embedded in the BBC’s culture, that it is very hard to change it.’
Stephen Green, National Director of the organisation Christian Voice, commented:
The real problem is not the lack of Christian programming, but the fact that no world-view other than a tedious atheist outlook informs normal programming content. The BBC really should have the decency to acknowledge there are valid points of view other than the grindingly politically-correct anti-Christ atheism held by the majority of its staff.
And we all know - from the way it keeps the public unaware of the dangers of Islam, multiculturalism and mass immigration - how powerful media indoctrination is.

1 comment:

  1. Very good column, Enza! You nailed the truth.


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