Sunday 26 October 2014

Brigitte Gabriel Exposed by Pat Buchanan

The great Pat Buchanan mauling on video the moronic Brigitte Gabriel who can’t answer even one of his very apt questions. She can’t answer because she has a totally wrong view of Islam as divided between moderate and radical, when in fact there is no moderate Islam. The militant Muslims will always win as they have the Islamic scriptures on their side.


  1. Brigitte handled herself very well despite the pathetic French Fries attacks from the idiot Buchanan and friends.

  2. Buchanan may be a "Catholic" but he's a "Catholic" like the pope.

    1. What do you mean Buchanan is Catholic like the pope? That's a ridiculous statement.

  3. WTF are you talking about? Brigitte is a hero of the anti-jihad movement and answered all the questions succinctly and intelligently. To call her 'moronic' is totally uncalled for. We anti-jihadis should stick together, not insult each other. Let's leave the insults for the left and the Islamists.

  4. WTF you're talking about? Did you even watch that 4 years old video? Brigitte Gabriel was and remains the most amazingly eloquent, non PC speaker. Love her with all my heart! Another shocker answer from her:

  5. Sadly-she knows more than this cute blog operator, she grew up in Lebanon, she paid a heavy price and she survived the civil war-lucky to live, no need to gloat and disparage her!

    1. Thank you for your support! I continue to do what I do otherwise my past will be America's future.

  6. Islam can't be validly divided between "moderate Islam" and "radical Islam," no more than you can divide "moderate Nazism" and "radical Nazism." The distinctions are absurd and distracting and a waste of intellectual effort. "Moderate" Muslims mostly cheer on -- in secret or not -- the atrocities committed by the "radicals," because the "radicals" are adhering to the literal word of the Koran, the Hadith, and other Islamic texts, especially to Sharia. The "radicals" are doing what the meek and humble dare not do themselves (excpet maybe the converts to Islam). Islam cannot be reformed, just as a cobra can't be made into a household pet. It's deadly, vicious, and nihilist.

  7. I might have added that I couldn't see how Buchanan "mauled" Gabriel. In point of fact, he came off looking more like a dufus and anything but "great." Buchanan is a loud-mouthed thug and offensive when he's playing to an audience. Gabriel has had more intimate and tortuous encounters with Muslims and Islam than Buchanan ever will have.

  8. Hope you will come back to UK Brigitte and give a lecture here. I think the British people are now ready to listen. Also would like to know what you think about the Pope's recent involvement with Islam. Pope Francis has urged Muslim leaders around the world to condemn terrorism carried out in the name of Islam. Why do they need telling?


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