Sunday, 15 February 2015

Global Warming Protest Nixed Due to Cold

Thick snow in New York state

It's not a joke.

Yesterday a global warming protest set for this weekend at Yale University was cancelled because of the frigid weather and snow.

Fossil Free Yale, a pressure group that wants the Ivy League university to divest itself from fossil fuels, said the protest will be indefinitely postponed.

The Daily Caller says:
As this reporter writes this article, the weather in New Haven, Connecticut where Yale is located stands at -9 degrees Fahrenheit with wind chill. Saturday is expected to have weather in the low 30s with snow and Sunday will be 20 degrees with snow and rain, according to the Weather Channel.
This is not the first time that the weather doesn't play ball with the climate change brigade.

Many global warming events in the past have been held at sub-zero temperatures.

It's unlikely, though, that even the worst weather will make believers in Anthropogenic Global Warming theory reconsider their views: when in 2013 the UK suffered its coldest March in 50 years, they saw that as a sign of global warming.

This is what philosopher of science Sir Karl Popper calls "ad hoc hypotheses": in plain language, excuses to keep afloat a debunked theory.

1 comment:

  1. Read my peer-reviewed paper linked from our group's website below ... There is now a whole new 21st century paradigm in climate change science. See as it will blow your mind.


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