Friday 13 February 2015

Islamic Party Ready for French Elections

The new party Union of French Muslim Democrats (UDMF) is ready to present candidates in eight cities in the local elections to be held in France next month.

This week the UDMF has already submitted two candidates in the Paris suburb of Bobigny, and expects to do the same in seven other constituencies, including Marseille, Lyon and Nice.

Najib Azergui, who founded the UDMF in 2012, told the daily Le Parisien that his party wants to give voice to France's large Muslim community, which struggles to find representation in the traditional parties of the country.

According to Azergui, Islam is fully compatible with democratic values. I don't think that the reporter who intervewed him asked for any concrete example of Islamic democracy, luckily for Azergui.

The UDMF already has an elected councillor in Bobigny since last year, Hocine Hebbali.

The party wants an Islamic banking system, and investments in the halal food industry to create jobs. These jobs will obviously be only for Muslims, since the sole butchers allowed to slaughter animals to produce meat fit for Muslim consumption are the followers of Islam.

The party wants to repeal the French ban on headscarves in state schools and supports Turkey's entry into the European Union.

Most French voters ignore the existence of the UDMF.

Let's just hope that this is not one of the first steps towards the turning into reality of the fictional plot of French author Michel Houellebecq's latest novel Submission (the meaning of the Arabic word "Islam"), which envisions France ruled by a Muslim party in 2022 and sparked a media storm when it was published last year.


  1. Completely ignorant viewpoint, taking nothing into consideration regarding the global massacres and genocides of Muslims by our so called Western Democratic governments. I am british, grew up in the Middle East, worked and lived in Gaza during the Israel massacre in 2012, living in France for the last 12 years and working with young Muslims here to ensure they are treated as equal citizens in a country that is in love with Zionism. Zionism controls every single institution in France, decimates free speech unless it is in defence of their murderous policies worldwide and strangles our economy, our education and our civil rights. You say Islam means submission but you omit to say, it is submission to the will of God...Islam is derived from the Arabic root "Salema": peace, purity, submission and obedience. In the religious sense, Islam means submission to the will of God and obedience to His law. This is something perhaps, that Humanity as a whole could benefit from. Your article is tantamount to hate speech, if this were written about Jews, you would have been persecuted by is inaccurate, misinformed and biased. Shame on you.

  2. Completely ignorant viewpoint, taking nothing into consideration regarding the global massacres and genocides of Muslims by our so called Western Democratic governments. I am british, grew up in the Middle East, worked and lived in Gaza during the Israel massacre in 2012, living in France for the last 12 years and working with young Muslims here to ensure they are treated as equal citizens in a country that is in love with Zionism. Zionism controls every single institution in France, decimates free speech unless it is in defence of their murderous policies worldwide and strangles our economy, our education and our civil rights. You say Islam means submission but you omit to say, it is submission to the will of God...Islam is derived from the Arabic root "Salema": peace, purity, submission and obedience. In the religious sense, Islam means submission to the will of God and obedience to His law. This is something perhaps, that Humanity as a whole could benefit from. Your article is tantamount to hate speech, if this were written about Jews, you would have been persecuted by is inaccurate, misinformed and biased. Shame on you.


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