Friday, 3 April 2015

American Institute of Architects Will Vote on Supporting an Investigation into Building 7 on 9/11

There is the widespread idea that those who dispute the conventional explanation of the events of September 11 2001 are just loonies and naive persons, of the same kind of those who believe in flying saucers.

It's not well known that the people who have the most serious doubts are engineers and architects, namely the individuals whose technical expertise tells them that something in the current 9/11 orthodoxy doesn't fit with the available evidence, the laws of physics, or both.

At the annual convention of the American Institute of Architects, which will take place on May 14-16 in Atlanta, Georgia, (an important, Establisment meeting, whose keynote speaker is former president Bill Clinton), there will be a debate and a vote on a resolution supporting an investigation into the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7 on Sept. 11, 2001.

The resolution is the work of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, a professional body of over 2,200 architects and engineers who dispute the results of official investigations into the September 11 attacks, including the 9/11 Commission Report. The organisation's members think instead that the World Trade Center was destroyed by controlled demolition using explosives.

Something else that many people don't know is the fate of a third building which collapsed on that day, besides the Twin Towers: Building 7, a 47-storey skyscraper. According to a 2006 Zogby poll, 43% of Americans did not know about Building 7.

Nobody, not even the official investigations into the events, claims that an airplane flew through it. The conventional wisdom is that the building collapsed due to an internal fire.

If this were true, it would be the first ever fire-induced collapse of a steel-frame high-rise building.

Building 7’s collapse was not mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report. It took the federal government seven years to conduct an investigation and issue a report for Building 7.

Many witnesses say the possibility of demolishing Building 7 was widely discussed by emergency personnel at the scene and advocated by the building’s owner. Building 7 housed several intelligence and law enforcement agencies, and the New York City Office of Emergency Management’s Emergency Operations Center, more commonly known as “Giuliani’s Bunker”.

The members of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth call for a new investigation into the destruction of Building 7, specifying that it should include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives to destroy it.

Just to see in what kind of police state we are living, you should know that a couple of months ago in Britain a vicar was investigated by the Church of England over his Facebook post linking to the article "9/11 Israel did it" on Wikispooks. At the moment it's impossible to access that page. The Virginia Waters reverend was accused of the worst possible crime, ie "anti-Semitism", had to apologise for and delete the post.

The Board of Deputies of British Jews's vice-president Jonathan Arkush, who pushed for the link to be removed, called the article "beyond absurd". Why worry so much about it then? If the piece is so nonsensical, people will realise it and the "Semites" will have scored a goal against the "anti-Semites". This is the real absurdity: that people are so concerned about something they allegedly believe to contain its own disproof.


  1. I like Morgan Reynolds' succinct rebuttal of the official story. The media is highly cohesive at the proprietorial level when the stakes are high. Seagulls easily puncture real planes; magical Muslim planes on the other hand cut through structural steel, concrete and other resistent materials and then transform same into nanoparticles that drift up to the stratosphere in vast plumes of dust.

    1. I like your succinct comment on events, too! I think these Architects and Engineers are making good progress toward truth. I am watching this vote, and praying.


    When fabrication of news causes hundreds of thousands of innocent victims, the puppet-master is honoured posthumously, his name appended to the Congressional Human Rights Caucus God Bless America!

  3. Proof that being an architect doesn't make you immune to the stupid virus. WTC 7 incurred severe structural damage caused by debris falling from the twin towers that had been hit by 2 modern jets fully laden with fuel flying at around 300 miles per hour. The resulting fire was catastrophic all you have to do is Google "WTC 7 fire" and see how bad it was.

    1. "All you have to do is Google 'WTC 7 fire and see how bad it was."

      You have the nerve to say something as stupid as this right after you discredit the work of 2,200 professional architects who have all gone to accredited engineering schools and been certified by architectural boards. You think that your watching of a video on YouTube makes you a credible witness.

      You are a prime example of the type of citizen the USA needs less of. And you're undoubtedly too dense to even realize it.

    2. Are you an architect, Mr. Catastrophic Fire?

    3. "Stupid virus" was unnecessary, Anon 1700.

      To the author and other anons:

      First of all, I advise folks who truly care about this to stop the saying "NO PLANE HIT BUILDING 7" without further clarifying, as if people aren't going to get confused and believe that "NOTHING HIT BUILDING 7." Nearly everyone I speak to about this topic who doubts the official story has heard the former and interprets it to mean "NOTHING HIT THE BUILDING SO CLEARLY A PERSON OR PERSON CAUSED THE FIRE OR EXPLOSIONS." But then when it is demonstrated that the buildings were damaged by debris and set fire due to the wreckage, they say "Oh come on!? Why did 911NotASheep12262012 make it sound like there is some big mystery about how it was damaged?"

      If you want to be taken seriously, just put the facts out in the open. Instead of:

      "Nobody, not even the official investigations into the events, claims that an airplane flew through it. The conventional wisdom is that the building collapsed due to an internal fire."


      "Nobody, not even the official investigations into the events, claims that an airplane flew through it. The conventional wisdom is that the building collapsed due to an internal fire after fires were started when debris from the nearby skyscrapers damaged the building."

      Anon 1716:

      "You have the nerve" bla bla "too dense" is unnecessary too.

      I've spoken to plenty of architects and engineers about this issue. Only one that I've met doubts the broad strokes of the official narrative. Of course that's only anecdotal.

      Thing is, 2200 is bandied about as if it's some HUGE number. Given that the National Society of Professional Engineers estimates "2 million practicing engineers", we are talking about 1/10 of 1%. If you add in Architects, at ~105,000, that percentage drops even more. Worse, I'm pretty sure (but def check for yourself) the 2200 includes architects and engineers worldwide. I don't even want to do the math on that. Of course I'm not suggesting that truth is settled by comparing the number of advocates or lack thereof of some claim. I'm just saying that no one should be particularly impressed with 2200 of 2.1 million. That's all.

    4. Why would fire and some asymmetric damage

      - lead to a fast and symmetrical collapse which includes a period of free-fall?

    5. "You are a prime example of the type of citizen the USA needs less of."

      And you're a prime example of the type of citizen who should be in an asylum.

      The reason this is the stupid virius is that architects weren't in charge of the situation that day, FDNY chief was and he has explained what happened. But why listen to him when you can call him a liar and listen to idiots instead?

    6. "Are you an architect, Mr. Catastrophic Fire? "

      No. Are you chief of FDNY? Odd how he has dismissed these claims as totally without damage isn't it? But he's a liar and in on the conspiracy, right?


    7. "Stupid virus" was unnecessary, Anon 1700.

      It really isn't it is wholly merited. All you have to do is think about how many people and orgs would be involved if what the "truthers" allege about 9/11 is true.

      It's an insult to the intelligence and to the victims and their families.

    8. I believe that the families of the perished are with the truth movement and calling for an investigation. The families of victims are with the truth movement after having had none of their questions answered by the Commission .. not one.

    9. I don´t know who is responsible. I don´t know their reason for doing this although I could put forth various theories. But since the most ridiculous theories get the most attention from main stream media. I do know that NIST ammended their report admitting that building 7 came down at the rate of "freefall" for several seconds. This is the main reason why Arch and Eng. for 9/11 truth exist. Freefall is only possible when there is no resistance other than the air itself. The weight of the upper floors, could not have eliminated the resistance of the floors below. It is a law in physics. No amount of patriotism, rage, improbability of cover-ups can change this simple fact. To remove resistance you need forcé to destroy the lower floors. The most common method is demolition. If you have seen the video recording of the collapse it is a classic demolition provoked destruction of a steel structure building Freefall is the one piece of evidence that cannot be manipulated. Those who dismiss the facts in favor of patriotism or out of respect for the victims are neither patriotic nor respectful.

  4. Please post the names of the people and the firms they work for that vote for this...because I sure as hell wouldn't want them working on anything I want built.


    1. Best doco I've yet seen on the case for Controlled Demolition.

      It contains questions that you can't and won't answer.

    2. Arabs don't run the broadcasters. Watch the Naudet brothers' shot of the second "plane"'s impact and the plume of smoke rising from the explosion. There is none of the wake vortex that any large passenger plane would leave, let alone one flying at over 500 mph (as per the Official Version).

      Fair and Balanced. Fox News were kind enough to provide their own bona fide eye-witnesses.


      The news bureau is separated from the backlot by an unbreachable Chinese wall, of course.


    Jeff Gates dissects the McCain family's role as collaborators in Israeli deception. The apple didn't fall far from the tree, that's for sure.

    1. Gov McCain lied his way from the " captive " days until this very day.

    2. Yes, I'm familiar with "Songbird" McCain and his emnity against and the families of MIA's.

    3. McCain's injuries have nothing to do with torture and all to do with his plane crash. "Songbird" gave the NV forces everything he knew in order to avoid maltreatment.

  6. 9/11 Truth ends the global police state. 9/11 Truth ends 9/11 endless wars of pillage. 9/11 Truth ends the "Muslim boogieman" pretext for the so-called "war on terror". 9/11 Truth ends the rule of the banking/drug/military-intelligence cartel. 9/11 Truth ends Israeli (Rothschild city of London) plans to establish an empire of Asia Minor c/o of the late, great, irradiated United States. 9/11 Truth ends the concocted 'Clash of Civilizations' meant to divide and destroy organized religion (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Torah Judaism) and elevate the religion of the elite, the occult. 9/11 Truth ends the global depopulation agenda. 9/11 Truth ends the Satanic NWO.


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