Friday 22 May 2015

Irish Vote to Legalise Homomarriage

What's going on in Ireland?

Today a national referendum is held in the Republic of Ireland to legalise same-sex marriage.

Opinion polls are indicating that a Yes vote to approve that legalisation will win by a margin of as much as 2-to-1.

A petition has been launched by Citizengo. It says that “this push for same-sex marriage in Ireland has not at all been a ‘home-grown’ phenomenon, but, rather, a carefully-orchestrated and massively well-funded assault on the natural family, coming from private American funding”.

Foreign meddling in and funding of Irish politics is what is going on here.

Mercatornet reports: "A charity founded by Irish-American businessman Chuck Feeney, Atlantic Philanthropies, cheerfully acknowledges that it has poured about US$28 million over the past 13 years into strategic LGBT campaigns in Ireland."

The petition site adds:
With respect to impact on social issues, Atlantic Philanthropies certainly are not shy about reporting on what they have done. In their report, entitled, "Catalysing LGBT Equality and Visibility in Ireland," Atlantic Philanthropies details its funding, and gives a breakdown of how their money has been able to influence Irish social and political life.

In the report's synopsis page, (, the author reviews some "accomplishments" of Atlantic's grantees, including:

* Passage of a landmark 2010 civil partnership law

* Secured public referendum on civil marriage, which is scheduled for 2015 [The referendum which is about to take place!]


* Government creation of a Gender Recognition Advisory Group, the role of which is make recommendations on how to proceed toward legal frameworks for gender recognition for transgender people.
But that's not all. Apparently one of the reasons why support for homomarriage and "gay rights" has increased in Ireland in the last few decades is the decline of the Catholic Church's influence due to the so-called "child abuse scandals".

So many things need to be said here.

First of all, the Catholic Church has had a much lower - yes, you read well, much lower - rate of child sex abuse than Protestant and Jewish institutions, and even lower than non-religious, secular ones. These are the well-known results of published, scholarly research.

The false image, opposite to what is the reality, has only been created and impressed in the public mind by the enormous coverage that the media, predominantly Leftist, anti-Christian and Jewish, have given to this topic, while neglecting widespread paedophilia abuses in other environments - although lately these have been impossible to suppress altogether any longer.

The power of mass media in our day and age is such that they can create imaginary worlds and make people believe in them. If mainstream media now started saying that the earth is flat, and Hollywood mass-produced hundreds of 2-hour-long films distributed all over the globe with images of a flat earth in them, in, say, 20 years a majority of people would think that the earth is flat.

Second, the abuses that did occur in the Catholic Church were the result of its "liberalisation", its new openness to the modern world and its compromises with non-Catholic, nay anti-Catholic and anti-Christian ideas that followed Vatican II in 1965.

The priests involved in the scandals were not paedophiles, their victims were not children but adolescent boys, the kind of sexual partners generally preferred by homosexual men.

The "openness" to accept homosexuals in the clergy was one of the consequences of the Church's new liberalism. In the past this would not have generally been allowed, but the new idea was that of helping these homosexual men by offering them an opportunity to overcome their pathological urges. In reality, very likely these "gays" were just trying to find access to teenager boys.

They were not real priests, but they were very real homosexuals.

The most repugnant thing is that the media and commentators were just castigating the Church for surrendering to the false and immoral dogmas of "liberals" like themselves.

Since those scandals erupted, the Catholic Church has stopped accepting homosexuals as priests - the same policy that the Boy Scouts were trying to adopt for their members and leaders -, and it is now even more than before by far the safest possible environment for children and young people.

Incidentally, several years ago American lesbian author Tammy Bruce was explaining in her books how it would have been wise for both the Church and the Boy Scouts not to accept homosexual men, to protect the kids.

Of course, part of Vatican II was the encyclical Nostra Aetate, which changed into its opposite the cautious attitude of the Church towards the Jews who, since then, have infiltrated its hierarchies even at the highest levels, furthering agendas which are contrary to the teachings of the Church - of Christianity really, which the Talmudic Judaism that developed after Jesus hates with a vengeance.

We are witnessing the results.



  1. Thanks for the article, yes Ireland has fallen very far in ye last 20yrs, the church sex scandal, mass immigration, the liberal agenda etc. I'm starting to feel like a foreigner in my own country.

    Ma c'è sempre la speranza di fede,



    1. Thank you, Josey. Yes, we should never give up faith and hope.


  3. Gay "marriage" itself is dirtier water. It's not what our physical anatomy was intended for, and this conclusion is the same whether you believe we were created by God or accidentally evolved. We should not normalize homosexuality any more than we should normalize obesity or alcoholism. Though they are not equal or the same, none are healthy lifestyles. No person has ANY right not given to him or her by the Creator. God made the family from the union of 1 man and 1 woman. No human can change God's will. You may choose not to believe in The One True God, but no one will be exempt from the consequences of disobedience. His laws are for the good of all mankind. We were never meant to be demi gods ruling our lives by our own selfish desires. If it is same sex, it is not marriage. It is that simple. Whatever it is it is not marriage. As the saying would have been before schizophrenia ruled the land, "By definition marriage must include one man and one woman." That is what makes marriage marriage. The word was invented for the coupling of a man and a woman. It was not invented for any other kinds of couplings. Can it be made clearer?

    As a true Muslim and believer in condemning this... our religion is flexible enough but no space for such rubbish... there is a detailed chapters in our religion book THE NOBLE QUR'AN in which you will find the story of " People of LOT" who were involve in the same sin "The Homosexuality", they all were destroyed b'coz of homosexuality.... Anatomy of anus is not fit for sexual act.... biology. Anus is endodermal in origin so its wound never heals. So, it becomes quite unnatural to get into anus. People find it disgusting to insert and move about the male executive organ into the anus, which serves to discharge the faeces.

    Homosexuality is an insult to women. Men and women get sexual and emotional satisfaction from each other. Without them the human race is not going to survive. This is the main reason why Islam is against homosexuality. It is nothing to do with equality. Muslim community, Imams and Muslim schools must teach that homosexuality is a sin and against the teaching of Islam.

    Why are we constantly hearing about an issue that effects less than 2% of the world's population?!!! What about issues that effect everyone such as wealth inequality and dangerous banking?
    Obviously there's nothing more important to society today than gay rights. Gay marriage is a subject being spoken about in America and France as well as here.( maybe in other countries as well) Now, This is not an important thing at the moment with everything else that is happening. I don't see what difference it makes if you call it marriage or a civil partnership. It doesn't mean that the relationship is going to last any longer or be a happier one.Why in this age should rights be bestowed because of birth? Where is the equality in this? Although, why "other grounds", why not just "sexuality"? It's not a swear word.Equal rights to marry a Catholic? Didn't think so.

    Homosexuality doesn't just go against the Bible, Quran, and whatever the Jewish book is called, It goes against Mother Nature as well. Here are some quotes from the Koran regarding Homosexuals Homosexual acts are condemned as unnatural. (Will ye commit abomination such as no creature ever did before you?) 7:80-81 Male homosexual activities are condemned as unnatural. 26:165-6 Male homosexuals commit abominations and act senselessly. 27:54-55 Male homosexuals acts are condemned as unnatural. 29:28-29

    I can let most things go but the Gay lobby has gone too far with this nonsense... It is time to start fighting back, Our core values are being corrupted, How far before it's too far, You answer that for yourselves.

    1. Read the Holy Bible - you know, the various parts in the Old Testament where homosexuality is described as (quote)... "an abomination". Are we to take it that the teaching of the Holy Bible is now to be considered an act of `homophobia`? Because if so Education Secretary Nicky Morgan is going to be closing a lot of schools. The Holy Bible, the Holy Koran, The Talmud etc are the "guidebooks" for some of the great faiths ~ so are we to renounce their teachings Ms Morgan...? Or just the bits that are a little, err, `inconvenient` these days...? I think that Ms Morgan is hopelessly out of her depth here, although her intentions may be good.

      So homosexuality is now a "British value"?

      Gay "marriage" itself is dirtier water. It's not what our physical anatomy was intended for, and this conclusion is the same whether you believe we were created by God or accidentally evolved. We should not normalize homosexuality any more than we should normalize obesity or alcoholism. Though they are not equal or the same, none are healthy lifestyles. No person has ANY right not given to him or her by the Creator. God made the family from the union of 1 man and 1 woman. No human can change God's will. You may choose not to believe in The One True God, but no one will be exempt from the consequences of disobedience. His laws are for the good of all mankind. We were never meant to be demi gods ruling our lives by our own selfish desires. If it is same sex, it is not marriage. It is that simple. Whatever it is it is not marriage. As the saying would have been before schizophrenia ruled the land, "By definition marriage must include one man and one woman." That is what makes marriage. The word was invented for the coupling of a man and a woman. It was not invented for any other kinds of couplings. Can it be made clearer?

      The Bible never actually refutes polygamy. The Bible says that it's wrong for a man to put aside his wife for another. In polygamy, the man is not laying aside his wife, he's welcoming another to join. That's why righteous people in the Bible had multiple wives without being criticized by God or others.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Cut and paste.

    4. on the issue of so called gay marriage in this instance most of us probably agree with Mr Ahmed.
      I think that a key motive is to promote homosexual relationships to children. Its well known that many. not all. homosexual men are attracted to younger men and youth and need a constant supply.
      i do not write as satire but i think very soon we will have a gay wedding featured in one of the UKs popular soaps. With the same media attention focused on it as a normal style marriage in the soaps fictional storyline.



    1. I am supposing the article to which you directed us is to the truth. The link has been disabled, apparently on account of its "hateful" content.


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