Tuesday 2 June 2015

Jewish Commenter Defends Neo-Paganism and Insults Christianity

LGBT pagans

Someone whom it is unChristian and uncharitable but realistic to call foolish (the fact that his Facebook page bears the appellative of Anarchophobopath under his name should immediately give some indication of his IQ), paradoxically named Paul Wiseman, has left a comment to a recent post to my Facebook page Save the West on a promise that Putin made some time ago to protect Christians from persecution worldwide.

I have now deleted his comment which doesn't do anything to my page except corrupting it, but I'll paste it here to analyse it. He wrote:
Christianity is a Roman reworking of some sand demon kult.
Most 'Christians' don't even know what that book of dribble even says.

Quote from Jesus (Joshua - the most common name of the day),"Bring those who do not recognize me as messiah to me and kill them" that's in the book of John. I could go on.
We have our own much more ancient and respectable traditions that require men be men. Fuck all sand demon kults.

YHWH - mountain god of storms and war. Kills more than the so called bad guy of the book. Al Lah = a Moon God - to me they are all sand demons. They have no place being here in the heartlands of the Celto-Germanics/Nordics. The west died when Rome/Catholics tried to destroy our real heritage.
Rabid anti-Christians don't have any fear of writing the greatest absurdities in the vilest tone because they know that Christians are too polite and other people are in general too ignorant of Christianity to reply. Unfortunately Facebook is teeming with these types.

A few telltale signs

Let's start with the wrong quotation, which he says is from "the book of John". There is no book of John. There is the Gospel According to John (or the Gospel of John).

His usage is reminiscent of the Old Testament, which does have "Books of..." followed by a name. Another element that gives away his probable Jewish background, apart from the surname Wiseman, is when he says "Jesus (Joshua - the most common name of the day)".

Joshua is the Hebrew name of Jesus (or more precisely the Hebrew name is Yeshua, a common alternative form of Yehoshuah, and its English spelling is Joshua). The name Jesus is from the Latin Iesus and ultimately from the Greek Iēsous.

Even more damning is the reference to YHWH, for Jews the name by excellence, the proper, holiest name of God.

After Jesus, Judaism has become Talmudic Judaism, venomously anti-Christian. Today's Jews are generally either Talmudic or atheist: both groups are anti-Christian, although obviously there are always individual exceptions.

The meaning of "slay them before me"

The alleged quotation "Bring those who do not recognize me as messiah to me and kill them" is not in John or anywhere else in the Bible.

He may refer to Luke 19:27, which has been quoted many times by types who, like Mr Wiseman, are in search of cheap shots against Christianity.

Unfortunately for them, who may be accustomed to an age of information in sound bites and of bite-sized learning, we need to read more than a handful of words to understand the meaning of this passage.

Crude misunderstandings are what happens when someone who knows nothing or very little about Christianity takes a handful of words from Scripture and thinks he's understood the whole Christian theology.

Interestingly, the same verse is also quoted by Muslims who try (in vain) to establish a moral equivalence between their religion, Islam, and Christianity. But it's totally evident - in this extract as well - that Jesus, unlike Allah and his prophet Muhammad, are not inciting men to kill.

Here is the text of Luke 19:11-27, King James Version:
11 And as they heard these things, he added and spake a parable, because he was nigh to Jerusalem, and because they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear.

12 He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return.

13 And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come.

14 But his citizens hated him, and sent a message after him, saying, We will not have this man to reign over us.

15 And it came to pass, that when he was returned, having received the kingdom, then he commanded these servants to be called unto him, to whom he had given the money, that he might know how much every man had gained by trading.

16 Then came the first, saying, Lord, thy pound hath gained ten pounds.

17 And he said unto him, Well, thou good servant: because thou hast been faithful in a very little, have thou authority over ten cities.

18 And the second came, saying, Lord, thy pound hath gained five pounds.

19 And he said likewise to him, Be thou also over five cities.

20 And another came, saying, Lord, behold, here is thy pound, which I have kept laid up in a napkin:

21 For I feared thee, because thou art an austere man: thou takest up that thou layedst not down, and reapest that thou didst not sow.

22 And he saith unto him, Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee, thou wicked servant. Thou knewest that I was an austere man, taking up that I laid not down, and reaping that I did not sow:

23 Wherefore then gavest not thou my money into the bank, that at my coming I might have required mine own with usury?

24 And he said unto them that stood by, Take from him the pound, and give it to him that hath ten pounds.

25 (And they said unto him, Lord, he hath ten pounds.)

26 For I say unto you, That unto every one which hath shall be given; and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him.

27 But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.
These, the "incriminated" words from verse 27 are indeed spoken by Jesus, but in a parable. We see immediately that they are not a command that he himself gave, but the nobleman of the parable.

Parables are symbolic. There is a meaning to this as to all Jesus' parables, but it's not literal.

The man who becomes king is Christ. His citizens who hate him are the Jews who rejected him. His servants are those who follow him and from him receive the power, that is the glory of God. The pounds are, as the talents in Matthew, the gifts we have received from God through Christ. Christ wants us to let our gifts bear fruits, not hide them. The reward for those who gained from their pounds is to share in the glory of God, for those who didn't is to be deprived of it.

The very forceful expression "slay them before me" means the damnation that these men brought upon themselves by choosing to reject God and therefore the possibility of salvation.

It's important to understand the significance. Jesus is talking about the future of those who have voluntarily rejected him as Lord and who trample on the gift of salvation that he still today offers to every man. That gift cost him the death on the cross; he, innocent who died for the guilty, has accepted to bear our condemnation. What would be left for a murderer who persistently refused to be pardoned, if not the right judgment for his crimes?

Here then Jesus solemnly warns about them: "bring them here", so that they can see the glory of Christ and the joy that they have despised, hated and persecuted, preferring to be "god" of themselves. "Bring them here," so that they realise whom they insulted and at whom they shook their fists - at the one who gave them life, and who offered them, despite their profanities, his love and the free gift of salvation until the last day of their lives.

The Saviour they rejected, who sacrificed himself for them on the cross, will then be their Judge and will not be able to intercede for them any more; having spurned grace, they will get what they wanted: the path they have chosen, that of destruction and contempt, will bear its fruit.

A world without justice

People often expect God to be simply an entity that dishes out all the things we desire and none of those we do not desire: after all, isn't he omnipotent? Why can't he make us all happy? He can, but not in the way we have devised for ourselves.

If somebody expects to be able to do whatever he wishes with his life, follow every desire, urge and impulse regardless of the consequences, and never have to be punished for it, then he is not a Christian.

We dislike Divine judgement and punishemnt, and may reject God for this. But think about it for a moment: when we see other people get away with something wrong they have committed, unpunished, we don't like it, do we? We don't deem that a world without justice would be an ideal, or even good, world.

We also don't appreciate the consequences for society of widespread disobedience to God's commandments: we abhor, for instance, the dramatic increase in crime due to the disintegration of the family.

A warning for White Nationalist "Neo-Pagans"

What should make those who identify themselves as White Nationalists reflect is how similar the utterances of this Jewish commenter are to their own defences of paganism and rejection of Christianity, with almost verbatim repetition: "We have our own much more ancient and respectable traditions that require men be men. Fuck all sand demon kults." Or even more: "They have no place being here in the heartlands of the Celto-Germanics/Nordics. The west died when Rome/Catholics tried to destroy our real heritage."

The latter assertion is so moronically ignorant that I sincerely hope I don't need to explain that it is the diametrically opposite of historical truth: the West was born out of Greece and Rome on one hand and Christianity on the other. Even the briefest look at any historical account (a book if its' not too much to ask, a pamphlet, a flyer, a TV show, a video, a computer game) should show Mr Wiseman and his peers that this is the case.

Our Jewish friend, in his agglomeration "Rome/Catholics" as if classical Rome and the Catholic Church were the same thing - probably in his mind he sees them as non-Nordic and that's sufficient reason to lump them together -, makes the umpteenth mistake of a very long, dense series of errors in a short writing.

Whether he believes this nonsense or just rehashed it from the many pagan sources - many of which belong to the White advocacy's movement - that inhabit the internet these days is irrelevant. He must have realised that such drivel is "good for the Jews". Once again the Jews score another point against us.

For anti-White Jews, it's much better if Whites are neo-pagan than Christian: this is easily confirmed by Jewish-owned Hollywood's practice of churning out a plethora of anti-Christian movies, but no anti-pagan ones.

"Radical Faeries 2010 London Pride" by - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.


  1. The fact is that there is no one who really believes in neo-paganism, that is, who thinks that Thor is real and can cause a difference in their lives. Neo-paganism is a non-faith. This is why it is so attractive to the ones who are against faith.

  2. You are making a very good point.

  3. Interesting that the Jew dared not spell out the name of the Jewish divinity. Politically correct pagan, I guess.

    1. No, that was just silly on his part, as he revealed himself as Jewish.

  4. http://www.kolot.it/2015/03/31/tornano-i-farisei-cattivi-con-killing-jesus-di-ridley-scott/

    "Date a Cesare..." questo articolo sembra indicare che Gesù fosse crocefisso per aver contestato le tasse romane, tesi che abbraccio anch'io. Naturalmente i farisei erano solo preoccupati per essere buoni sudditi romani.

    1. Quella frase ha tutto un altro significato: indica una separazione tra doveri religiosi e politici. Non ci sono dubbi che solo le autorita' ebraiche del tempo avevano interesse a uccidere Gesu'. I Vangeli parlano chiaro.

    2. Sono d'accordo sulle intenzioni omicide dei farisei. Nella battuta di Gesù però non vedo alcun invito a pagare le tasse, solo a dare a Cesare ciò che gli spetta (il che potrebbe benissimo essere nulla). Non riesco a immaginare un Gesù che appoggiasse l'Impero romano o le sue politiche per così dire poco cristiane.

  5. Thank you Enza for this article! It's becoming difficult to read some of the WN sites (like TOO) anymore because so many in the comments section are so virulently anti- Christian. Their level of hostility makes me question their loyalties because no person, atheist, agnostic or otherwise could have that much venom for one of the pillars of the traditional civilization of their ancestors.


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