Blog of London-based Italian journalist Enza Ferreri on politics, society, religion, environment
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Thursday, 30 January 2014
Islam Is the Symptom, Cultural Marxism the Disease
On my Facebook page Save the West , a supporter posted this: ANALLY RAPED A DYING WOMAN OR: WHAT HAPPENS WHEN PEOPLE FROM A FAILED CULT...
Wednesday, 29 January 2014
Not Enough Hate Crimes? Make Them Up
What's going on in the - we believed free - world? If you look around you, you see more and more people forbidden to enter a count...
Wednesday, 22 January 2014
Femen's Violent, Anti-Christian Matriarchy Would Be Hell
Femen is a group of disgusting feminists whose main purpose seems to be aggression and ferocious attacks against Christianity and its sym...
Taqiyya Trials in Europe
First published on Raymond Ibrahim site. By Enza Ferreri The issue of taqiyya – the religious permission, indeed virtue, of Muslim...
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
Green Taxes Cause Energy Prices Hikes
No politician or mainstream media outlet is saying why shale gas from fracking may not reduce, as it should, consumers' utility bill...
Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller Are still Fighting Back against Their Ban: Help Them
The 25 June 2013 is a significant date not only in the history of the counterjihad movement but also in the history of freedom of spee...
Friday, 17 January 2014
Nazis Ordered: Remove All Christian Crosses and Spread Paganism
I've shown in the first and second articles of this series - concluding with the present article - that Hitler was neopagan and anti-C...
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