Wednesday, 18 June 2014
An Islamic Trojan Horse Inside of Britain
First published on FrontPage Magazine.
By Enza Ferreri
It's not enough that in Britain non-Muslim children in publicly-funded schools, Islamic and non, are served halal meat - from animals whose throat is cut without proper stunning, according to the Islamic rite -, often without knowing it (and even British forces have been discovered to be subjected to the same treatment).
Now schools in the UK are increasingly becoming the battleground of a war between radical Islam and the hopeless, dhimmi British "authorities", if this is the right term to use in the face of limp-wristed inaction.
I'm not the only one to have thought of a military metaphor. In the media, an alleged Islamic plot to take over schools has become a "Trojan horse".
A country in whose capital city the most popular baby name for boys is Muhammad and the fourth most popular is Mohammed is doomed.
The gradual but inevitable progression of Muslim demographics brings with it the equally inexorable advancement of Islamic tactics’ getting more and more aggressive and oppressive.
This is not the first time that the ongoing process of Islamisation of British schools has found its way into the news. Official inspections, Department of Education involvement, school authorities without answers: we’ve been here before and, I dare say, we’ll be here again.
Above I’ve used the expression “radical Islam” - although I don’t see how Islam can be non-radical – for a specific reason. Sometimes this distinction is useful, if misleading.
What's happening in British schools? We have to be clear here. Bear with me, as the saga is still unfolding and mysterious.
First, there is a current, run-of-the-mill (“moderate”, shall we call it?) management of many Muslim schools - publicly funded, of course - which does nothing wrong, according to the government’s education regulator Ofsted, except segregating boys and girls, “restricting” music and art classes although they are demanded by the national curriculum, requiring girls to wear headscarves, in short educating children according to the Islamic way of life.
I would contend that this is Islamisation of schools through and through. But no, Ofsted says, these are all positive things, expressions of Muslim identity and faith.
So, the brouhaha is just about a number of schools which risk becoming “really” Islamised and are investigated as possible targets of an "Islamic takeover", which goes even much further.
“Operation Trojan Horse” has become the nickname of an organised attempt by Islamists to co-opt schools in England and run them according to Muslim beliefs.
It all started with a leaked letter, whose authenticity is still in question, discovered in March 2014 and alleged to be from Islamists in Birmingham, central England - the second largest UK city, home to a great Muslim population - outlining plans to take control of schools there and possibly in other cities.
A month later Birmingham City Council said it had received hundreds of allegations of similar plots over a period of 20 years.
Investigations by Ofsted and the Education Funding Authority in 21 Birmingham schools did find evidence of an orchestrated Islamist campaign to target particular schools, and that head teachers had been "marginalised or forced out of their jobs".
Six schools were placed in special measures after inspectors found systemic failings, including failure to take adequate steps to safeguard pupils against extremism. Thirteen more were found wanting. Ofsted’s investigations later expanded into schools in East London, Bradford and Luton, all areas with large Muslim populations.
But, typically, only 2 schools had their funding terminated by the government.
In the aftermath, Education Secretary Michael Gove said that all UK schools must promote "British values".
The question, indeed the problem that has caused this whole crisis to develop, is that nobody seems capable of defining what British values are any more.
My bet is that, if Gove could provide a clear and precise definition of that concept, Birmingham schools would not have been the object of a concerted attempt of turning them into breeding grounds for Islamic terrorists in the first place.
British Prime Minister David Cameron, with the perfectly straight – or, lest I’m discriminatory, should I say gay as well as straight – face of someone who’s taking his own words very seriously, has attempted to lists some of these elusive British values: freedom, tolerance, respect for the rule of law, belief in personal and social responsibility, and respect for British institutions.
I’ll say that Islamic leaders will find no reason to object to any of those.
Cameron suggested "freedom". Muslims see this as, for instance, freedom of religion, which in their case means freedom to teach kids how to cut fully-conscious animals' throats during the religious and family festival of Eid, and then progressing to teach them how to become suicide bombers (which is the problem now under investigation).
Another example of freedom is that of Muslim girls to wear what my friend Alex Boot calls "the traditional Halloween garb” even when it’s not Halloween.
Tolerance is very, very acceptable for Muslims: to them it means that we must tolerate whatever they do and say, without the need for them to reciprocate and tolerate us infidels.
Respect for the rule of law: perfect. They mean sharia law, of course, and they do respect it, without a doubt.
Belief in personal and social responsibility. The responsibility towards the Ummah, the wide community of all Muslims, is well understood and accepted by Mohammedans. That’s why Islamic charity is only directed at Muslims. Personal responsibility is also viewed favourably by Muslims, as shown by restraint in dress code, alcohol consumption, dietary limitations and so on.
Respect for British institutions may seem trickier at first sight, but not when you consider that they are planning to take over all these institutions, and they’ve already made a good start with schools. Once the afore-mentioned “British” institutions become what Muslims want them to be – outcome which appears to be more certain and speedy by the day -, they’ll have no problem in respecting them.
Cameron has fallen here into a little logical trap of circularity: you cannot use the definiendum – the word to be defined – in the definiens – the definition. You cannot explain Britishness with another reference to it.
But never mind. He’s still achieved a remarkable feat: giving a definition of British values so generic and vague that we can all agree with it, in a great multicultural, multireligious (or, not be discriminatory, multi-non-religious), multiethnic feast.
Of course, in order to give flesh and real significance to the concepts he chose, he would have been forced to introduce taboo words, like, off the top of my head, “Christian”.
The reason why "British values" has become a concept without meaning is the same why the European Union cannot find a unifying factor for Europe.
I've heard endless discussions on how we don't know what Britishness is, or Europe for that matter.
But it's obvious that, if you deny or remove the whole historical process that gave birth to - and the cultural foundations that sustain - the identity of a nation or part of the world, you end up with a shapeless, amorphous entity. You should then not be surprised that you cannot define it.
These days the dirty words, the 4-letter words that we cannot pronounce and therefore can't be used to define us are "Judaeo-Christian".
Judaeo-Christianity is what unifies Europe and what is at the core of Britain.
Britain is Christian. Its history demonstrates it, its Constitution confirms it.
If this had been recognised, Islam in Britain would not have been allowed to make the progress it has made.
The main characteristic and chief function of definitions is that they must be able to exclude as well as include. An all-inclusive definition means nothing.
The Latin verb “definire”, from which the English terms with the same root derive, literally means “to delimit, to place a boundary or border around” something.
That’s why in today’s world, in which all must be included – literally (haven't we de facto abolished all borders?) as well as metaphorically -, to say or think something meaningful has become almost impossible, and when someone does it he risks imprisonment. Even more difficult is to do something that makes sense – as the British government wonderfully exemplifies.
The link to Andrew Boot should be:
No, the phrase I quoted can be found exactly in the article I linked to, and it's Alex (Alexander) Boot, not Andrew.
DeleteEvery one should have the right to wear what she likes or not. Being naked and drunk is acceptable but being covered and modest is inhuman. What about Halloween and Santa Claus to ban? Burka (veil) is the order of God and about veil it is mentioned in each book of every religion. REMEMBER/SEE those women who use burka to save her selves from men not to see to their beauty are safe really, while those women that have face and body open front of people are unsafe from RESPECT.
DeleteWearing a hijab for these women represents what it is...modesty. Any rejection or provocation comes from bigotry. It is exactly the same as the thought that a woman in a mini skirt who gets raped asked for it. The modest head-covering which you see on statues and pictures of Mary, and that Christian women wore for centuries, and many still do, particularly orders of religious sisters? The most ironic thing about this, is that, Mary the mother of Jesus is always portrayed wearing a hijab, and further, the Bible contains a command instructing believing women to "cover their head or shave off their hair! " The head covering the Jewish women were required to wear is different from the head covering Muslim women are required to wear. I think they symbolized different things maybe. Please look at it and tell me what the difference in level of covering between Virgin Mary's clothing and the hijab? In all three religions it symbolizes the same thing 1 obedience to God's commands 2 Modesty and respect to women.
People are offended by people walking down the road in head to toe bin bags. It's spooky. You have the right to feel offended. You do not have the right to stop them doing it.
It is socially acceptable to be openly racist towards Muslims in this country. Legally not so because more and more Muslims are standing up to this fascism and rightfully so. What, values like stripping down to get sunburned on the beach and drinking to excess on a Friday night out? Why don't you just wear what you want and allow other people to wear what they want? The right to wear what you want is not a special privilege. Its a basic democratic right and one that you yourself enjoy. No one tells you what you can or cannot wear. Why do you think you can tell others what they should wear?
These racist just don't like being pointed out and don't like to be exposed when challenged! So all in all, this university wanted to make a rule for less than 1% of the population who (I assume) aren't causing any big disturbances or anything? In regard of safety/terror issues, I'd be more worried about backpacks, but I doubt those will be banned in an university setting. Ban on Burqa/ Niqab is against religious-***-human rights of Muslim Women in Europe. Those who support ban on veil are Islamophobic.
We live in a world were women are paid to be naked and fined to be covered, unbelievable! Sisters if you want to wear the niqab you do that. Inshallah you are rewarded for your efforts and commitment in the hereafter. A woman should be free to wear what she likes, if you going to ban a woman for covering up herself, please also ban woman that fail to cover up. The only people who will suffer are Muslim women. A ban would be unjust. One of the best things about this country is its tolerance. Let us remain tolerant.
London School of Islamics Trust
Where Muslim Girl School stay on education and can remain disconnected from the outside world of boys, drugs, alcohol and non-Islamic peer stress.
ReplyDeleteEstablished in 1996, Jamea Al Kauthar is one of the UK’s best Islamic Schools for Girls. They have a proud reputation for providing academic excellence, consistently highly ranked in the league tables for secular education
ReplyDeleteSubject : Racism in British Schooling
DeleteBritish schools are not doing enough to tackle racism and promote race relations. Many teachers are unaware of racist attitudes amongst pupils. Schools have a responsibility not only to deal with racist incidents but also to prepare pupils for life in a multicultural and multiracial society.
Children from minority groups, especially the Muslims, are exposed to the pressure of racism, multiculturalism and bullying. They suffer academically, culturally and linguistically: a high proportion of children of Pakistani and Bangladeshi origin are leaving British schools with low grades or no qualification.
In the 1980s, the Muslim community in Britain started to set up Muslim schools. The first was the London School of Islamics which I established and which operating from 1981-86. Now there are 133 schools educating approximately 5% Muslim pupils. Very few schools are state funded.
The needs and demands of Muslim children can be met only through Muslim schools, but education is an expensive business and the Muslim community does not have the resources to set up schools for each and every child, and only eight Muslim schools have achieved grant maintained status.
This leaves a majority of children from Muslim families with no choice but to attend state schools. There are hundreds of state schools where Muslim pupils are in majority. In my opinion, all such schools may be designated as Muslim community schools with bilingual Muslim teachers as role models.
Prince Charles, while visiting the first grant maintained Muslim school in north London, said that the pupils would be the future ambassadors of Islam. But what about thousands of others, who attend state schools deemed to be "sink schools"?
The time has come for the Muslim community - in the form of Islamic charities and trusts - to manage and run those state schools where Muslim pupils are in the majority. The Department for Education would be responsible for funding, inspection and maintenance.
The management would be in the hands of educated professional Muslims. The teaching of Arabic, Islamic studies, Urdu and other community languages by qualified Muslim teachers would help the pupils to develop an Islamic identity, which is crucial for mental, emotional and personality development.
In the east London borough of Newham, there are at least 10 state schools where Muslim pupils are in the majority.
The television newscaster Sir Trevor McDonald is a champion of introducing foreign modern languages even at primary level in schools in Britain. The Muslim community would like to see Arabic, Urdu and other community languages introduced at nursery, primary and secondary schools along with European languages so that Muslim pupils have these options.
In education, there should be a choice and at present it is denied to the Muslim community. In the late 80s and early 90s, when I floated the idea of Muslim community schools, I was declared a "school hijacker" by an editorial in the Newham Recorder newspaper in east London.
This clearly shows that the British media does not believe in choice and diversity in the field of education and has no respect for those who are different.
Muslim schools, in spite of meager resources, have excelled to a further extent this year, with two schools achieving 100% A-C grades for five or more GCSEs. They beat well resourced state and independent schools in Birmingham and Hackney.
Muslim schools are doing better because a majority of the teachers are Muslim. The pupils are not exposed to the pressures of racism, multiculturalism and bullying.
The shocking level of targeting of the Muslim community of Birmingham is indicative of the normalisation of the dehumanisation of the Muslims of Britain. Under the pretext of "extremism", criminal undemocratic and unethical abuse of public institutions and the Muslims of the UK can occur without much accountability. This pervasive attitude, especially amongst officials like Michael Gove needs to change. Our schools are truly trying to develop our children to do well at schools so later in life they are able to stand on their own two feet, but if we stop our schools from doing this than our country will have up rise of unemployment, benefit issues, crime levels high, I think its time for you apologize and allow practitioners to do their job right.
ReplyDeleteThis Trojan Horse is a stir up to put up an attitude amongst the British community upon Muslims AGAIN, this hysteria has all been blown up because they do not want non-Muslim youngsters falling to the idea of Islam. Jewish schools have a more strict approach to religion than the majority of Islamic schools or schools that are heavily influenced by Muslim governors, yet they are not gonna be investigated because any hysteria brought up would be labelled anti-Semitism to become increasingly anti-establishment and belligerent. And they would have every reason to if this garbage continues. Park view is not multi cultural. It is mono cultural. It is to all purposes an Islamic school posing as a British secular state school. This "Trojan horse" thing worries me...I do not think that Greek classical mythology necessarily falls within the frame of reference of Muslims.. This affair was started by a hoax letter , driven by Islamophobia , which achieved its end , courtesy of a Government paranoid about ' extremism ' without any definition of what it means , and a ' anti-terrorism industry ' trying to justify itself and its funding to the Home Office . Meanwhile Ofsted have become a political tool , a new thought police , with little relevance to the standards of education , and an agenda driven by paranoia in a society which constantly changes its moral goalposts , itself in moral flux and confusion . And let not forget where did this all started, with Al Qaeda, which was created and nurtured and armed by the West. Now everyone is complaining where do all these extremism come from. If you are serious about fighting Muslim extremism start by going to the source, in allied countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, and so on. But that would never happen because you also want your cheap oil. Hypocrite.
It's hard to blame Muslims for acting in accordance with their professed beliefs. But as to who brought them to Europe and who protects them against the interests of the white, Christian majorities, well, that's best left to pariahs like Gianantonio Valli to explain