Friday, 20 June 2014

Mainstream Media Bordering on the Criminal

Essex Police talking about the killing of Muslim student Nahid Almenea

Yesterday I travelled on London buses from around noon to 5pm, in the Western part of town. During all that time I saw relatively few white faces, and the ones I did see were generally builders, so in all probability Poles.

On the bus I read a discarded copy of the London free paper Metro, carrying the irresponsible front-page headline "Student is murdered 'for being a Muslim'".

Irresponsible because, when I read the actual article, the alleged motive for the killing of Nahid Almenea in Colchester, Essex, on Tuesday morning was nothing more than a wild conjecture.

The only reason for thinking that the University of Essex female student from Saudi Arabia was murdered for being a Muslim is her dress:
Det Supt Tracy Hawkings said: ‘At the time she was wearing a dark navy blue full-length robe, called an abaya, and a patterned multi-coloured headscarf, known as a hijab.

‘We are conscious that the dress of the victim will have identified her as probably being a Muslim and this is one of the main lines of the investigation, but there is no firm evidence at this time that she was targeted because of her religion.’
In fact, there seems to be another, possibly more promising line of investigation:
Her murder is the second fatal stabbing in the town within three months, prompting police to issue a warning to residents not to walk on their own in isolated areas while they hunt for the killer...

Detective Chief Superintendent Steve Worron said there were "obvious similarities" with the murder of James Attfield, a vulnerable man with brain damage, who died after being stabbed more than 100 times in a park in Colchester in March...

“Both victims sustained frenzied knife wounds. Both were on secluded paths in parks used by members of the public."
Which is why the police have warned all residents of the area and not just Muslims wearing their traditional garb.

Nobody knows exactly the motive for the murder, therefore the headline on the front page of Metro was written either by a Muslim or by someone who likes to see "hate crime" everywhere and is not concerned about stirring up trouble.

Very telling is the way the Metro article ends, with a quote from Fiyaz Mughal, an old friend of my party Liberty GB, against a member of which he lost a lawsuit for racially aggravated harassment:
Fiyaz Mughal, of support group Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks, said: ‘Visibly Muslim women are the ones targeted at a street level for anti- Muslim comments and general abuse.’
How reliable Mughal's words are can be assessed by considering the careless way in which he treated the facts and figures relating to what he calls "anti-Muslim attacks" after the Lee Rigby murder in Woolwich on 22 May 2013.

Nevertheless, Metro considered this man's opinion worth of finding and publishing.

But that's not all. A paper read by millions, due to its free availability in a great city like London and its public transport system, should be more cautious about presenting hypotheses as facts, especially of this kind and especially on its front page, seen on bus and train seats by a multiple of the number of those who actually read the article:
Meanwhile, a British extremist fighting in Iraq appeared to use the murder to encourage followers in the UK to commit revenge attacks on non-Muslims.

The purported British member of Isis, the fanatical Islamic force leading an insurgency in Iraq, said Muslims should "take up a knife and kill as they did in Colchester".

A tweet under the name of Abu Rashash Britani, who has previously said he would bring Isis' brand of bloody attacks to Britain, said: "These kuffar [non-Muslims] getting out of hand, dare they touch a #Muslimah.

"I call upon any brother to take up a knife and kill as they did #colchester."

Comparing Ms Almanea’s death to the to murder of Drummer Lee Rigby in Greenwich last year, the tweet added: "#colchester attack is cowardly act. At least when our noble brothers, killers of #leerigby did so they killed a soldier not a civilian.

"I pray a revenge attack takes place in #uk against those enemies of #Islam n #Muslims."
When you think of how the mainstream media are ready to condemn any justified and even necessary criticism of subjects like Islam or immigration as they claim that these incite to racist violence - another unfounded allegation -, the same media's gratuitously stirring up Muslim aggression against native Britons, in full knowledge of how volatile and easy to inflame Muslims can be, borders on the criminal.


  1. Just curiosity:

    [... Nahid lived with her brother at an address in Woodrow Way, and they regularly took the same route to the University every morning.

    On Tuesday her brother started lectures earlier than Nahid and so she was making the journey on her own. ...]

  2. A thoughtfully balanced article, well said.

  3. I was also gobsmacked by the way the police annd Metro covered this.

  4. despair ! although the radical muslims will be loving it

  5. Hi this is off topic but do you know if the Miriam case has been covered in the Italian press . It had major coverage in The Daily Mail, Times and Telegraph. You can find it on Sudan has an Embassy in Italy . have the received any protest say from the Vatican. This a women under sentence of death raised a Christian because she will not convert to Islam , The case was instigated by her half brother who wants to use Islamic law to have her killed so he can gain her property.


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