Saturday 21 June 2014

Richborough Roman Port and Global Warming

Graph showing the levels of sea rise since the end of the glacial era

I'm honoured that one of my websites has been quoted and linked to in a comment to an article in the famous website Watts Up With That?, considered the world's number one scientific site taking a critical approach to global warming and climate change.

The article in question is "Sea Levels are Never Still", and it explains something of which people, used to the alarmistic noise about rising sea levels due to "climate change", may not be aware:
Sea levels have been rising and falling without any help from humans for as long as Earth’s oceans have existed.

The fastest and most alarming sea changes to affect mankind occurred at the end of the Pleistocene Ice Age. Seas rose about 130m about 12,000 years ago, at times rising at five metres per century. Sea levels then fell as ice sheet and glaciers grew in the recent Little Ice Age – some Roman ports used during the Roman Warm Era are now far from the sea even though sea levels have recovered somewhat during the Modern Warm Era.
One such case of a Roman port now disappeared is that of Richborough, in Kent, which was the main port of Roman Britain, linking the British province to the rest of the Roman empire. My travel website Britain Gallery describes it in the article "Sandwich, Deal, Walmer, Richborough", and a comment to the Watts Up With That? post quotes from it:
Not far from Walmer are the remains of the Richborough Roman Fort and Amphitheatre, considered by English Heritage possibly the most symbolically important Roman site in Britain, “witnessing both the beginning and almost the end of Roman rule here”. Although it is now 2 miles from the sea because silted up, Richborough was in Roman times a major natural harbour providing a safe route from Europe to the Thames estuary.

Julius Caesar Plaque on Walmer Beach, where he first landed in Britain with his soldiers

Going back to the scaremongering tactics of the warmists, it's to be observed that from 15,000 years ago to 8,000 years ago sea level rose about 14mm a year, whereas it is currently rising at about 1mm a year, and this rate has not changed much with the great industrialisation since 1945.

There are many factors changing the sea level - melting of glaciers; warming and expansion in volume of the seas; extraction of groundwater ending up in the sea; sediments and debris washed into the sea by rivers, storms and glaciers; even tectonic forces -, and human emission of CO2 has hardly a role in them.

Figure by Robert A. Rohde made available under an Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)

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