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Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Moral Universalism, Christianity, Whites, the West

Rome, St Peter's Basilica

Prima facie, there is a number of observations that appear obvious.

Given that the part of the world inhabited by Whites - first Europe and then the West - is the only part to have embraced universalism, and one particular expression of it - Christianity -, and given that this is the part of the world that has made immensely greater progress in every aspect than the rest of the world, the first question to ask ourselves is whether and how the two phenomena - Christianity and progress - are in a causal relationship with each other.

This is of paramount importance, as there are signs that the West and the Whites are on their way to abandon Christianity, and some among them are even considering the next step - abandoning moral universalism in general -, which shouldn't be surprising, as Christianity is the supreme embodiment of moral universalism.

This seems to confirm the idea held by many philosophers and thinkers: that renouncing God is the first step on a slippery slope towards renouncing morality.

Abandoning moral universalism seems prima face to defeat the object. This seems to be the reasoning: we Whites are the only universalist humans; our countries are the best in the world; the particularists, ie all other races, want to take advantage of our generous universalism, invade our lands, displace us; therefore we should become particularist too, in order to defend ourselves and stop them doing that.

It may defeat the object if embracing particularism will make us similar to other races. So, in the end, the West would become like the Third World, one way - by invasion from it - or the other - by our becoming like it. Is a White Third World a desirable objective?

I say no.

Those who think that Whites, universalist and Christian or not, would never create conditions like those of the Third World should be able to explain in concrete terms what are, if not universalism and Christianity, the characteristics of Whites throughout history that produced a civilisation so superior to any other on the globe.

The barbarians that invaded Rome were Whites. What was so good about them that could have produced Europe's subsequent glory?

Who saved Europe in the Dark Ages caused by the Slavic and Germanic hordes that destroyed the Roman civilisation?

It was the Christian Church.

Moral Universalism Is Needlessly Blamed

Cameron and Osborne: moral universalists?

There used to be an article rather grandly entitled “The Contemporary use of Philosophy and Ideas” by a David Morris on the YourBNP website, but the site doesn't exist any more.

I've looked for his name but haven't found anything. Googling the site turns up "Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Test" and similar results.

How do I know about this article?

Because I've seen it discussed in an old post on The Occidental Observer on the pathology of moral universalism.

Here is a quotation in the latter from the YourBNP piece:
The [British] government planned drastic financial cuts for us, but increases in overseas aid! This perverse attitude grew from the Victorian middle class influenced by evangelical Christianity, which believed it had a duty to ‘save’ unchristian natives. It became a preference over the British working class which endures today. Characteristic of this is Mrs Jellyby in Dickens’s Bleak House, whose eyes ‘had a curious habit of seeming to look a long way off, as if they could see nothing nearer than Africa’. Like the elites she neglected those around her, including notoriously her own children. Her thoughts were directed instead towards the fictitious African possession of Borrioboola Gha and her idealistic plans for its development.
This and other quotations show that Morris' article doesn't say anything that amounts to a rational criticism of universalism, but only of its wrong (non realistic, or non pragmatic) application. Or rather, of something which is not moral universalism but the incapability of seeing the link between cause and effect, an action and its consequences.

The "pathology" it attacks is the pathology of that inability, not of universalism.

That some universalists possess that inability is accidental.

I can easily imagine plenty of examples of particularists displaying it: one is that of barbarians descending on Rome and destroying the wealth of civilisation that could have been so useful for themselves.

Actually, that behaviour can be attributed to their particularism, their cultural short-sightedness and consequent inability to see their long-term interest (even in purely particularist terms).

Morris' example of a Dickensian character is not valid or persuasive either.

Here we have a person, Mrs Jellyby in Bleak House, acting in an irresponsible manner, who is also universalist: there is a correlation, but the causation has not been demonstrated or established.

The Dickensian character is a fallacy, a red herring. (Incidentally, Dickens was a universalist, and it's that universalism that made him campaign for better conditions for the British poor, which shows the absurdity of the YourBNP chap's claim.) A rational - namely, that takes into account the link between cause and effect - application of universalism gives priority to the next of kin, as the most directly affected by a moral agent's actions.

Let’s take a universalist, a Christian man, who has a family. He doesn’t think – and no other Christian expects him to think – that he has the same responsibility for his kids as for some children living on the other side of the earth with whom he has no genetic or cultural links. (In fact, the moral priority given to attention to one's children over strangers is one of the reasons for priest celibacy, as priests could not offer the same care to their flock if they had a family.)

Nobody, including a universalist, expects two parents to look after the children of others in the same way and degree they look after their own.

It's nonsensical. It makes far more sense to divide responsibilities, fragment them into much smaller units than to stipulate that everybody must be responsible for everybody else in equal measure. That applies to nations in the same manner as to families.

Procreation, biology and genetics are part of the universe created by God.

"Honour thy father and thy mother", says one of the commandments.

In the same way that a natural family has unique ties, so has a natural race, which can be seen as an extended family, sharing more DNA than the rest of humanity.

There is no reason why universalism needs to lead to racial suicide and multicultural absurdities, and it is not the cause of current Whites' sad predicament. Only the misunderstanding of universalism is.

Universalism is the basis of ethics. Most ethical theories are universalist, both Christian and secular.

Are we prepared to live without ethics?

Have people understood the consequences of what it means? Without an ethical system to govern a society, the weakest would easily be trampled. If there is no other source of right, might becomes it.

Do we want to become like the rest of the world, like the non-White countries?

Herein lies the contradiction.

People from other parts of the world want to come to the West because it's better. But it's better for us before it's better for them.

And, going back to the post by David Morris, one can hardly say that the current crop of British politicians are morally universalist, let alone a good example of moral universalism. Their moral universe starts and ends with their own self, and their only moral imperative is to get re-elected.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Rotherham to Ban Muslim Child Rape Protests

EDL protest in Rotherham town centre

In late May the local Council of Rotherham, in Northern England, has asked the Government for special powers to have protest marches by "extremist groups" in the city outlawed.

Rotherham has been one of the places in England hit by Muslim paedophile gangs.

For 20 years, Muslim rings have been grooming White girls for sexual exploitation, totally undisturbed by police, social services, politicians and media. After the continuous cover-up became impossible, at one point there were at least 54 active investigations on as many grooming gangs in Britain. Assuming that each gang may have had dozens or hundreds of victims over the years, possibly thousands of White girls have been abused, raped and even murdered in all this time.

Just because they were White - as the abuse had a racial and religious motivation -, and because the authorities didn't dare lift a finger against a minority protected by political correctness.

The ongoing scandal has generated outrage among that part of the population that, due to its geographical or social proximity to these crimes and the multicultural environment from which they originate, feels particularly affected by them.

Several street demonstrations have been organised by the English Defence League (EDL), Britain First and other organisations. Now Rotherham Council wants to ban the protests.

These had intensified after the publication of the so-called "Jay Report" last August, which revealed that "South Yorkshire Police and Rotherham Council had failed at least 1,400 victims of child sexual exploitation over a 16-year-period, with many of the main offenders being men of Pakistani origin".

A group of EDL demonstrators set up camp outside Rotherham police station from 29 August to 13 September, calling for the resignation of police and crime commissioner Shaun Wright, who had been responsible for children’s services at Rotherham Council between 2005 and 2010.

The reason adduced by Rotherham Council for banning the legitimate protests is ostensibly economic: the great cost involved in policing both them and the Left's counter-demonstrations, and the "blighted" image of the city, with consequent loss of town centre shopping and business.

At the end of the local newspaper article reporting on this, someone left this comment:
Rotherham was blighted by the systematic abuse of hundreds of young girls over 16 years,demonstration are a symptom of that blight ,where do these idiots that are running Rotherham Council on huge inflated salaries paid for by the taxpayers come from.
Other comments echo similar feelings.

Only last week Bradford Police have charged "14 men and a 16-year-old male from Keighley with sex offences relating to rape and sexual abuse of a child under 16", alleged to have occurred in 2011-2012. The accused all have surnames like Hussain, Ali, Mahmood, Ziarab, Iqbal, Khan.

The local press has been alone in reporting this news, with the national media ignoring it.

Can banning protests deriving from a justified feeling of offence be the way forward?

And why is the cover-up, at least on the part of the media, apparently still going on?

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Jewish Commenter Defends Neo-Paganism and Insults Christianity

LGBT pagans

Someone whom it is unChristian and uncharitable but realistic to call foolish (the fact that his Facebook page bears the appellative of Anarchophobopath under his name should immediately give some indication of his IQ), paradoxically named Paul Wiseman, has left a comment to a recent post to my Facebook page Save the West on a promise that Putin made some time ago to protect Christians from persecution worldwide.

I have now deleted his comment which doesn't do anything to my page except corrupting it, but I'll paste it here to analyse it. He wrote:
Christianity is a Roman reworking of some sand demon kult.
Most 'Christians' don't even know what that book of dribble even says.

Quote from Jesus (Joshua - the most common name of the day),"Bring those who do not recognize me as messiah to me and kill them" that's in the book of John. I could go on.
We have our own much more ancient and respectable traditions that require men be men. Fuck all sand demon kults.

YHWH - mountain god of storms and war. Kills more than the so called bad guy of the book. Al Lah = a Moon God - to me they are all sand demons. They have no place being here in the heartlands of the Celto-Germanics/Nordics. The west died when Rome/Catholics tried to destroy our real heritage.
Rabid anti-Christians don't have any fear of writing the greatest absurdities in the vilest tone because they know that Christians are too polite and other people are in general too ignorant of Christianity to reply. Unfortunately Facebook is teeming with these types.

A few telltale signs

Let's start with the wrong quotation, which he says is from "the book of John". There is no book of John. There is the Gospel According to John (or the Gospel of John).

His usage is reminiscent of the Old Testament, which does have "Books of..." followed by a name. Another element that gives away his probable Jewish background, apart from the surname Wiseman, is when he says "Jesus (Joshua - the most common name of the day)".

Joshua is the Hebrew name of Jesus (or more precisely the Hebrew name is Yeshua, a common alternative form of Yehoshuah, and its English spelling is Joshua). The name Jesus is from the Latin Iesus and ultimately from the Greek Iēsous.

Even more damning is the reference to YHWH, for Jews the name by excellence, the proper, holiest name of God.

After Jesus, Judaism has become Talmudic Judaism, venomously anti-Christian. Today's Jews are generally either Talmudic or atheist: both groups are anti-Christian, although obviously there are always individual exceptions.

The meaning of "slay them before me"

The alleged quotation "Bring those who do not recognize me as messiah to me and kill them" is not in John or anywhere else in the Bible.

He may refer to Luke 19:27, which has been quoted many times by types who, like Mr Wiseman, are in search of cheap shots against Christianity.

Unfortunately for them, who may be accustomed to an age of information in sound bites and of bite-sized learning, we need to read more than a handful of words to understand the meaning of this passage.

Crude misunderstandings are what happens when someone who knows nothing or very little about Christianity takes a handful of words from Scripture and thinks he's understood the whole Christian theology.

Interestingly, the same verse is also quoted by Muslims who try (in vain) to establish a moral equivalence between their religion, Islam, and Christianity. But it's totally evident - in this extract as well - that Jesus, unlike Allah and his prophet Muhammad, are not inciting men to kill.

Here is the text of Luke 19:11-27, King James Version:
11 And as they heard these things, he added and spake a parable, because he was nigh to Jerusalem, and because they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear.

12 He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return.

13 And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come.

14 But his citizens hated him, and sent a message after him, saying, We will not have this man to reign over us.

15 And it came to pass, that when he was returned, having received the kingdom, then he commanded these servants to be called unto him, to whom he had given the money, that he might know how much every man had gained by trading.

16 Then came the first, saying, Lord, thy pound hath gained ten pounds.

17 And he said unto him, Well, thou good servant: because thou hast been faithful in a very little, have thou authority over ten cities.

18 And the second came, saying, Lord, thy pound hath gained five pounds.

19 And he said likewise to him, Be thou also over five cities.

20 And another came, saying, Lord, behold, here is thy pound, which I have kept laid up in a napkin:

21 For I feared thee, because thou art an austere man: thou takest up that thou layedst not down, and reapest that thou didst not sow.

22 And he saith unto him, Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee, thou wicked servant. Thou knewest that I was an austere man, taking up that I laid not down, and reaping that I did not sow:

23 Wherefore then gavest not thou my money into the bank, that at my coming I might have required mine own with usury?

24 And he said unto them that stood by, Take from him the pound, and give it to him that hath ten pounds.

25 (And they said unto him, Lord, he hath ten pounds.)

26 For I say unto you, That unto every one which hath shall be given; and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him.

27 But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.
These, the "incriminated" words from verse 27 are indeed spoken by Jesus, but in a parable. We see immediately that they are not a command that he himself gave, but the nobleman of the parable.

Parables are symbolic. There is a meaning to this as to all Jesus' parables, but it's not literal.

The man who becomes king is Christ. His citizens who hate him are the Jews who rejected him. His servants are those who follow him and from him receive the power, that is the glory of God. The pounds are, as the talents in Matthew, the gifts we have received from God through Christ. Christ wants us to let our gifts bear fruits, not hide them. The reward for those who gained from their pounds is to share in the glory of God, for those who didn't is to be deprived of it.

The very forceful expression "slay them before me" means the damnation that these men brought upon themselves by choosing to reject God and therefore the possibility of salvation.

It's important to understand the significance. Jesus is talking about the future of those who have voluntarily rejected him as Lord and who trample on the gift of salvation that he still today offers to every man. That gift cost him the death on the cross; he, innocent who died for the guilty, has accepted to bear our condemnation. What would be left for a murderer who persistently refused to be pardoned, if not the right judgment for his crimes?

Here then Jesus solemnly warns about them: "bring them here", so that they can see the glory of Christ and the joy that they have despised, hated and persecuted, preferring to be "god" of themselves. "Bring them here," so that they realise whom they insulted and at whom they shook their fists - at the one who gave them life, and who offered them, despite their profanities, his love and the free gift of salvation until the last day of their lives.

The Saviour they rejected, who sacrificed himself for them on the cross, will then be their Judge and will not be able to intercede for them any more; having spurned grace, they will get what they wanted: the path they have chosen, that of destruction and contempt, will bear its fruit.

A world without justice

People often expect God to be simply an entity that dishes out all the things we desire and none of those we do not desire: after all, isn't he omnipotent? Why can't he make us all happy? He can, but not in the way we have devised for ourselves.

If somebody expects to be able to do whatever he wishes with his life, follow every desire, urge and impulse regardless of the consequences, and never have to be punished for it, then he is not a Christian.

We dislike Divine judgement and punishemnt, and may reject God for this. But think about it for a moment: when we see other people get away with something wrong they have committed, unpunished, we don't like it, do we? We don't deem that a world without justice would be an ideal, or even good, world.

We also don't appreciate the consequences for society of widespread disobedience to God's commandments: we abhor, for instance, the dramatic increase in crime due to the disintegration of the family.

A warning for White Nationalist "Neo-Pagans"

What should make those who identify themselves as White Nationalists reflect is how similar the utterances of this Jewish commenter are to their own defences of paganism and rejection of Christianity, with almost verbatim repetition: "We have our own much more ancient and respectable traditions that require men be men. Fuck all sand demon kults." Or even more: "They have no place being here in the heartlands of the Celto-Germanics/Nordics. The west died when Rome/Catholics tried to destroy our real heritage."

The latter assertion is so moronically ignorant that I sincerely hope I don't need to explain that it is the diametrically opposite of historical truth: the West was born out of Greece and Rome on one hand and Christianity on the other. Even the briefest look at any historical account (a book if its' not too much to ask, a pamphlet, a flyer, a TV show, a video, a computer game) should show Mr Wiseman and his peers that this is the case.

Our Jewish friend, in his agglomeration "Rome/Catholics" as if classical Rome and the Catholic Church were the same thing - probably in his mind he sees them as non-Nordic and that's sufficient reason to lump them together -, makes the umpteenth mistake of a very long, dense series of errors in a short writing.

Whether he believes this nonsense or just rehashed it from the many pagan sources - many of which belong to the White advocacy's movement - that inhabit the internet these days is irrelevant. He must have realised that such drivel is "good for the Jews". Once again the Jews score another point against us.

For anti-White Jews, it's much better if Whites are neo-pagan than Christian: this is easily confirmed by Jewish-owned Hollywood's practice of churning out a plethora of anti-Christian movies, but no anti-pagan ones.

"Radical Faeries 2010 London Pride" by - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

Monday, 1 June 2015

Only White Christians Abolished Slavery

Slavery in Africa

What is unique about Western nations is not that they practised slavery, but that they abolished it.

Slavery was practised by all peoples of all continents of all ages, and in some places, particularly in the Islamic world, still is.

But only Whites, spurred and led by Christians in their midst, abolished it.

I'm reading the book Conquests And Cultures: An International History (Amazon USA) , (Amazon UK) by Thomas Sowell, who, despite being a neoconservative, is a reasonable person and good historian. The fact that he's African American doesn't prevent him from describing the fight against slavery as a conquest of White Christians, especially the British.

His being neocon, his currently being the Rose and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institute, Stanford University, and the various prizes he won from Jewish-related outfits - from the Francis Boyer Award, presented by the American Enterprise Institute, to the Sidney Hook Award from the National Association of Scholars - may be what stops him from analysing the historical importance of Jewish role in slavery.

Nevertheless, his book is to be recommended, for describing in detail many circumstances which are too often overlooked. White slave traders were not involved in the capture of black slaves, with all the cruelty and violence it involved, because they would not survive the diseases they would encounter in the African interior.

The capture was performed by Africans themselves, often of other tribes, and by Muslims for their own trade. The African enslavers then would sell their human merchandise to Western ships on the coast.

The Muslim slave traders would lead their captives, mostly young women to be sold to the harems of the Middle East, across a journey on foot across the Sahara desert, which would last for months. The suffering was enormous and the casualty number astronomical. Skeletons were aligned along the sand
 dunes. A Western observer witnessed this scene, then recounted in a book. A young mother couldn't carry both her infant and her luggage. A slave merchant took the baby from her hands and smashed his head against a rock.

When Britain abolished slavery at home and in the British Empire, its example was soon followed by other European countries.

But Britain encountered a fierce resistance from both Africans and Middle Eastern Muslims, who saw no reason to renounce a lucrative trade, not accepting the moral motives that had made European Christians give up this enormous source of profit.

Britain had to engage in violent conflicts and wars in order to impose the abolition of slavery on African and Asian peoples and enforce it.

The British navy would scour the seas and oceans of the world to intercept any ship carrying slaves and seize their human cargo.

In this way other countries were obliged to stop their slave trade. The last country to abolish slavery in the Western Hemisphere was Brazil. When a Brazilian vessel saw a British ship, it quickly threw its slaves overboard in order not to be found out.

A reasonable account of the true(r) story of slavery can be found here, although the author seems to have Leftist tendencies.

Friday, 22 May 2015

Irish Vote to Legalise Homomarriage

What's going on in Ireland?

Today a national referendum is held in the Republic of Ireland to legalise same-sex marriage.

Opinion polls are indicating that a Yes vote to approve that legalisation will win by a margin of as much as 2-to-1.

A petition has been launched by Citizengo. It says that “this push for same-sex marriage in Ireland has not at all been a ‘home-grown’ phenomenon, but, rather, a carefully-orchestrated and massively well-funded assault on the natural family, coming from private American funding”.

Foreign meddling in and funding of Irish politics is what is going on here.

Mercatornet reports: "A charity founded by Irish-American businessman Chuck Feeney, Atlantic Philanthropies, cheerfully acknowledges that it has poured about US$28 million over the past 13 years into strategic LGBT campaigns in Ireland."

The petition site adds:
With respect to impact on social issues, Atlantic Philanthropies certainly are not shy about reporting on what they have done. In their report, entitled, "Catalysing LGBT Equality and Visibility in Ireland," Atlantic Philanthropies details its funding, and gives a breakdown of how their money has been able to influence Irish social and political life.

In the report's synopsis page, (, the author reviews some "accomplishments" of Atlantic's grantees, including:

* Passage of a landmark 2010 civil partnership law

* Secured public referendum on civil marriage, which is scheduled for 2015 [The referendum which is about to take place!]


* Government creation of a Gender Recognition Advisory Group, the role of which is make recommendations on how to proceed toward legal frameworks for gender recognition for transgender people.
But that's not all. Apparently one of the reasons why support for homomarriage and "gay rights" has increased in Ireland in the last few decades is the decline of the Catholic Church's influence due to the so-called "child abuse scandals".

So many things need to be said here.

First of all, the Catholic Church has had a much lower - yes, you read well, much lower - rate of child sex abuse than Protestant and Jewish institutions, and even lower than non-religious, secular ones. These are the well-known results of published, scholarly research.

The false image, opposite to what is the reality, has only been created and impressed in the public mind by the enormous coverage that the media, predominantly Leftist, anti-Christian and Jewish, have given to this topic, while neglecting widespread paedophilia abuses in other environments - although lately these have been impossible to suppress altogether any longer.

The power of mass media in our day and age is such that they can create imaginary worlds and make people believe in them. If mainstream media now started saying that the earth is flat, and Hollywood mass-produced hundreds of 2-hour-long films distributed all over the globe with images of a flat earth in them, in, say, 20 years a majority of people would think that the earth is flat.

Second, the abuses that did occur in the Catholic Church were the result of its "liberalisation", its new openness to the modern world and its compromises with non-Catholic, nay anti-Catholic and anti-Christian ideas that followed Vatican II in 1965.

The priests involved in the scandals were not paedophiles, their victims were not children but adolescent boys, the kind of sexual partners generally preferred by homosexual men.

The "openness" to accept homosexuals in the clergy was one of the consequences of the Church's new liberalism. In the past this would not have generally been allowed, but the new idea was that of helping these homosexual men by offering them an opportunity to overcome their pathological urges. In reality, very likely these "gays" were just trying to find access to teenager boys.

They were not real priests, but they were very real homosexuals.

The most repugnant thing is that the media and commentators were just castigating the Church for surrendering to the false and immoral dogmas of "liberals" like themselves.

Since those scandals erupted, the Catholic Church has stopped accepting homosexuals as priests - the same policy that the Boy Scouts were trying to adopt for their members and leaders -, and it is now even more than before by far the safest possible environment for children and young people.

Incidentally, several years ago American lesbian author Tammy Bruce was explaining in her books how it would have been wise for both the Church and the Boy Scouts not to accept homosexual men, to protect the kids.

Of course, part of Vatican II was the encyclical Nostra Aetate, which changed into its opposite the cautious attitude of the Church towards the Jews who, since then, have infiltrated its hierarchies even at the highest levels, furthering agendas which are contrary to the teachings of the Church - of Christianity really, which the Talmudic Judaism that developed after Jesus hates with a vengeance.

We are witnessing the results.


Tuesday, 19 May 2015

The Jewish and Muslim Questions

Rotherham Muslim rapists

Published in The Occidental Observer

By Enza Ferreri

I ended my last article in The Occidental Observer, which focused on the current campaign against the “Jewification of Britain” and on some similarities between Islam and Judaism as well as between Muslim and Jewish communities living in the West, by saying that nevertheless the Jewish and Muslim questions have very different repercussions for Whites, and this topic has been regularly and repeatedly discussed.

How in my opinion these two questions should be treated is the subject of this article.

I have observed a regular divergence of opinion on it. There is a spectrum of positions, at one extreme end of which are those who think that Muslims are the real and sole problem, while at the other extreme end are those who believe that Muslims are innocent and only used as scapegoats.

In my view neither claim is entirely right or entirely wrong.

Muslims are a real problem, although they have been scapegoated.

Islam is at war with the West, it’s always been, there’s no denying it. Islam indeed is at war with the rest of the world.

Islam divides the world into two parts: Dar al-Islam (which in Arabic means "house/abode of Islam", also called Dar as-Salam, "house/abode of Peace"); and Dar al-Harb (in Arabic "house of war", also referred to as Dar al-Garb, "house of the West" in later Ottoman sources), which is applied to the whole part of the globe where Islam has not yet triumphed and Islamic law is not in force.

The word “Islam” means “submission”.

The language is clear, the doctrine behind it even clearer: where Islamic rule has been imposed - through whatever means, but bear in mind that practically every single population and nation in the world that is Muslim now has become so through initial military conquest and subjugation - there is peace; where Islam has not yet been imposed there will be war.

Islam is at war with us, whether we like it or not.

Furthermore, even a cursory glance at the violent history of Islam, characterised by wars of conquest and conflicts with its non-Muslim neighbours, will show that this doctrine has been constantly put into practice. Look at a map of the world and you’ll see that the borders around the Islamic part of it are in a state of continuous hostility and warfare with its neighbouring infidels.

As James Murray describes:
My Spanish ancestors fought for 700 years to free Spain of Muslim (and Jewish) rule. In that struggle, the first great Holocaust in history, the mass murder of Mozarabs (Spanish Catholics culturally assimilated by Islam) in Spain was undertaken by Muslims: One third of the Spanish nation was exterminated. (In the last thousand years, only the Qing extermination of the Dzhugarians was more complete.) The reconquest of Spain for Christendom secured it for half a millennium, a period of security that has ended with the collapse of Christendom and the triumph of the ideology of Cultural Marxism known as Multiculturalism, everywhere in the West.
So, to talk about Muslims as just innocent victims of Jewish power and nothing else doesn’t hold water, is not supported by empirical evidence.

On the other hand, Islam, although it has the potential of being extremely violent and dangerous for non-Muslims (and for Muslims too), was sleeping before the last few decades of the 20th century, undergoing a relatively peaceful period in its history; many parts of the Islamic world had even become relatively moderate and more secular – which, in the case of Islam, means less intransigent and aggressive.

A major event and a major process have shaken Islam and awakened it from its slumber. The event is the birth of the state of Israel, which was the result of violence and dispossession against Palestinian Muslims as well as (often forgotten) Christians. The process is the series of wars, invasions and aggressions against Muslim countries that has followed America’s declaration of “War on Terror” after 9/11, and which we have every reason to believe were only fought in the interest of Israel, living a precarious life surrounded by enemies and people with a justified grievance towards it.

To all this we have to add the mass immigration from the Third World to the West, that has been populating Europe with Muslims from Asia and Africa in vast, unprecedented numbers, which paradoxically, while generously offering them opportunities they previously couldn’t even have dreamt of, has also ungratefully “radicalised” them, due (among other reasons) to the sheer contact with the decadent, degenerate West which Muslim culture has always despised.

Unwanted immigration, more correctly called “invasion”, has in this way imported the Muslim problem – which could have remained confined to the Islamic parts of the world with their unfortunate, innocent Christian victims living in those hellholes - to Western shores, therefore making it impossible for Whites not to deal with it.

All this doesn’t alter the fact that Israel and Jewish interests have often made use of red flag strategies to make Western powers wrongly believe that Muslims were guilty of acts of aggression or terror orchestrated by themselves to scapegoat Muslims, of which 9/11 has all the appearances of being the biggest.

But here we come to another problem. Europe’s Muslim immigrants are sometimes described as a powerless, disenfranchised, non-privileged minority, and attacking such dispossessed people, for example through the Charlie Hebdo cartoons, is claimed to be really the pits, the lowest limit of moral behaviour. Typically, people who say this don’t utter a word about the “disenfranchised” Christians of Western Europe, odiously vilified and venomously offended by the same little pornographic rag with a Jewish bent.

The reality is that Europe’s Muslim minority is not powerless, it has protectors and supporters in high places: you could ask the survivors among the thousands and thousands of British White girls who have been abused, raped and even murdered in the last 20 years, because these crimes have been overlooked by police, social services, media and politicians (except the BNP’s Nick Griffin, one of the first to raise the alarm but ignored because he’s “racist”). The perpetrators were let off the hook exactly owing to the fact that they were Muslim paedophile rings and nobody in the UK wants to be called “Islamophobic”. Have we all forgotten the power of victimhood in our societies?

And a “disenfranchised minority” that is prepared to kill for a series of cartoons? Wouldn’t that be a murderous minority, rather?

You have to consider the things that Muslims want to do to our countries and our people, and one of them is to silence us – another similarity they have with the Jewish lobby. Muslims in Europe – where they have much more power than in America – don’t want to stop only Muhammad cartoons; they want to stop any rational discussion and criticism of Islam, impose their dress code in every circumstance, make polygamy part of the law, force halal meat as well as many other aspects of sharia law, and much more. They are an aggressive, bullying, uncompromising minority. Many of Europe’s Muslims – especially women - don’t even learn the language of the country they live in.

Christian and other non-Muslim children are regularly forced to eat halal meat at school; but, if some pork is found in the meal of a Muslim pupil, the dinner lady responsible is immediately sacked, even if it was just a mistake on her part. Is this a powerless minority?

A clear divide is between North American and European Whites, as the two groups experience a different situation vis-à-vis these non-Whites and non-Christians: in the US Muslims are not numerous or very influential while Jews hold an enormous power, whereas in Western Europe something close to the reverse is true, with Muslims’ numbers high and increasing and their power growing, while Jewish power (although strong) is less and less visible than in America.

I disagree with the position of those who say that to criticise Islam and Muslims is inappropriate because it increases support for Jews and their wars.

You cannot lie to the people about the nature of Islam and its threat just because it could theoretically benefit the Jewish and Israel lobbies. Our task is to make people aware of both menaces from two hostile groups. I also suspect that some people who take the above position are not aware of what Islam really is and their view is not based on Islam’s objective reality as much as on the way they see it as a force opposing Jews.

Even if we decided to ally ourselves with Muslims, we should be well aware of who our allies are, not blind to it.

I have even read comments that postulate a similarity between Christianity and Islam, which undoubtedly reveal profound ignorance of one, the other or both, as they stand for diametrically opposite views of everything important, from human nature to ethical goals, from concepts of freedom to what salvation means.

You can see the enormous differences between these two religions from the results they’ve produced. It is no coincidence that only the part of the world that became Christian has made gigantic progress when compared to the rest of the globe, including the nations populated by races with higher average IQs.

In addition, we Whites of different continents are in this together, should form an alliance and find a common ground. Americans would also be wise to see the Muslim danger in Europe as a sign of things probably to come for them too, a warning for their own future.

There is already in Western countries - especially in Europe - a widespread dislike for Islam. It may not be mainstream, but it involves significant numbers of people.

What is true is that, when problems associated with mass immigration and different, conflictual ethnic communities (in the UK for instance) are discussed, Jews are hardly ever mentioned - while Muslims loom very large -, under the common assumption that Jews are not really an ethnic group and that they are undistinguishable from native Whites.

While in Europe there is a growing awareness that Muslims mean trouble, that they don't belong in Western or indeed any modern society, and even that they are bound, due to the supremacism in-built in their doctrine, to be in constant conflict with any other group they happen to live with, a substantial - if not overwhelming - majority of British and European natives in general consider Jews as not different from themselves, part of the social fabric of their continent, devoid of any really different, even less conflicting, interest from the rest of the community. In short: not alien, not foreign, not ghettoised, not hostile, not dangerous.

In fact this impression is mistaken even at a superficial level: ultra-Orthodox Jews like the Hasidim can cause problems for the community they live in, described in my previous article. Besides, over 1 in 10 of Jews living in Britain is one of them and they have large average families of 6-7 children, thus representing the future Jewry of Europe.

The overcrowding created by them puts them in conflict with all other local residents, due to building against planning regulations. Ultra-Orthodox Jews, like Muslims and other Third World immigrants, are also overrepresented among welfare claimants.

However, since Jews in Europe, also due to their small number, cannot produce the problems caused in certain areas by the ever-multiplying, generally indigent and uneducated Muslims, they constitute a challenge that goes largely unrecognised.

Anyone with eyes, ears and a modicum of brain can see the Muslim threat. Granted, sometimes - as possibly in the case of 9/11 – the threat is not genuine and Muslims are the designated scapegoat. But other times it is.

But to be able to spot the way in which Jewish organisations and intellectual movements have managed to transform our civilisation, culture, consciousness, way of thinking, laws and institutions to the point of devastating them and turning them upside down to suit their own community's perceived needs, to discern all that requires much more acumen, power of observation, ability to see links and connect the dots, capability for independent thinking, and then work and research, not to mention courage.

In a way, to see Islam as an enemy is the direct result of what we've been led to believe.

Make no mistake, though. It is an enemy, although innocent on particular occasions.

That's why, if we could show the public that behind 9/11 there was someone very different from Al-Qaeda, many other pieces of the puzzle would start falling into place for many people.

The reason why in Britain the so-called counterjihad movement, whose main force has been the English Defence League (EDL), has achieved practically nothing, despite having had a certain following, is twofold.

The first element is that it doesn't have long-term goals, a vision. It's not enough to be against something, you need a propositive solution. And in my view Christianity is the answer.

The second aspect is that the West's Muslim presence and Islamisation are only the last link of a long chain, the most visible symptom of an underlying, profound disease. What the EDL has not understood is this disease, and how it is interrelated to the Jewish question which I briefly summed up above, and which is at the root of all the current problems.