You won't see the news in the mainstream media. After all, this is not a priest.
44-year-old Stefan Johansson, former President of the RFSL (Riksförbundet för homosexuellas, bisexuellas och transpersoners rättigheter), or the National Association for the Rights of Homosexuals, Bisexuals and Transsexuals, was sentenced on 24 October to five years in prison and ordered to pay 60,000 euros for pain and suffering caused by rape, pimping and paedophilia.
Founded in 1950, the the National Association for the Rights of Homosexuals, Bisexuals and Transsexuals is Sweden's largest organization of its kind, with more than 6,000 members. The RFSL was recognised in 2007 by the United Nations as a non-governmental organisation with consultative status. In Sweden, the RFSL was in 2009 one of the main promoters of the legalization of homosexual marriage.
According to the indictment, he administered alcohol and drugs to minors in order to have sexual intercourse with them, and he also alleged to have embezzled $ 3,000 that were supposed to be donated to AIDS research.
On his Facebook profile, he published among other things, an invitation to a [sic] "Education Day", which was organized on 18 July 2013 for "LGBT people with experience in the sale of sexual services" and specializes in "young people who prostitute themselves on the Internet".
The Homo-Imperial Association as an Offshoot of the Gay Lobby ILGA
The RFSL was the Swedish branch of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA), which in turn has promoted pedophilia for about ten years and is certified there at the UN as a non-governmental organization with consultative status, the European Section and in the EU , The RFSL always maintained pedophile contacts to a workgroup as well, which have campaigned for the legalization of sexual relations between adults and minors.
ILGA has openly revealed since 2001 that the majority of their funding is obtained directly from the European Commission. The gay lobby is thus financed by the European taxpayer. And the rich. In 2012 alone, 1,017,055 euros flowed from the EU Commission in the ILGA-coffers. That's more than 52 percent of the annual budget. Over such a windfall, other, more widely socially relevant associations were also pleased.
Gay lobby: Funds Come From the EU and George Soros
Among the other sponsors, there is the ubiquitous in the left-liberal spectrum, financier George Soros, who contributed 200,000 euros, which is more than ten percent of the total budget. ILGA today enjoys consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). This is a position that was long been denied it, because the homo-association refused to condemn "sex between adults and children". But then it was possible that the gay lobby has brought this last dam to collapse, without having to relinquish these positions.
And now Johansson's conviction follows, who was certainly not in the last rank of gay lobbying. Most media take no notice of such news, however. With their gender-ideological blinders on, they do not see what they do not want to see. A flimsy pretext can always be found where the crimes are trivialized. Most editors are also much too busy to demand ever new and radical gay rights, as they would deal with the dark side of their ideological zeal. Self-criticism anyway, has not been a strength of ideologues nor of those who ride the waves of fashion. The results of this attitude are known. Stefan Johansson is one of them. Only: The public should know nothing of it if possible.
Read the Holy Bible - you know, the various parts in the Old Testament where homosexuality is described as (quote)... "an abomination". Are we to take it that the teaching of the Holy Bible is now to be considered an act of `homophobia`? Because if so Education Secretary Nicky Morgan is going to be closing a lot of schools. The Holy Bible, the Holy Koran, The Talmud etc are the "guidebooks" for some of the great faiths ~ so are we to renounce their teachings Ms Morgan...? Or just the bits that are a little, err, `inconvenient` these days...? I think that Ms Morgan is hopelessly out of her depth here, although her intentions may be good.
ReplyDeleteSo homosexuality is now a "British value"?
Gay "marriage" itself is dirtier water. It's not what our physical anatomy was intended for, and this conclusion is the same whether you believe we were created by God or accidentally evolved. We should not normalize homosexuality any more than we should normalize obesity or alcoholism. Though they are not equal or the same, none are healthy lifestyles. No person has ANY right not given to him or her by the Creator. God made the family from the union of 1 man and 1 woman. No human can change God's will. You may choose not to believe in The One True God, but no one will be exempt from the consequences of disobedience. His laws are for the good of all mankind. We were never meant to be demi gods ruling our lives by our own selfish desires. If it is same sex, it is not marriage. It is that simple. Whatever it is it is not marriage. As the saying would have been before schizophrenia ruled the land, "By definition marriage must include one man and one woman." That is what makes marriage. The word was invented for the coupling of a man and a woman. It was not invented for any other kinds of couplings. Can it be made clearer?
The Bible never actually refutes polygamy. The Bible says that it's wrong for a man to put aside his wife for another. In polygamy, the man is not laying aside his wife, he's welcoming another to join. That's why righteous people in the Bible had multiple wives without being criticized by God or others.
As have posted before this is one subject most of us probably agree with Mr Ahmed . I think we should be like Russia where its not against the law so ling as they keep a low profile they are able to have their bars and clubs. However the promotion of this activity is against the law. The gay lobby whats a constant supply of young flesh hence the promotion of it in the MSM how long before a gay wedding on EastEnders?